Oh look, I HAVE been watching some telly!

Sep 23, 2012 10:16


Also, Eleven is basically built to make us all feel childlike and hopeful again, isn't he? I mean, that is his function, right? Especially after Ten, he shows up riding a horse and I just feel like a three-year-old again instead of a crochety thirty-something. (Thirty-somethings are allowed to be crochety now. It's cool.)

"Would everyone who is not American put their guns down." Well, that sounds typical...

Dude, you can't kill BB's character 25 minutes into the episode! That just ain't right!

(Matt Smith, please stop attempting to do an American accent. Also, please don't hold your belt loops like that. That said, keep that frockcoat; it looks gorgeous on you.)

Is it sad that I'm enjoying the banjo incidental music? Whatever, I am, dammit.

Judging from reviews I've read by other people, this ep was not particularly well-received. Me being the shallow person I am...er, well, I think I started goofing off online a few minutes after BB's character died and didn't pay much attention to the last quarter of the episode.

Rory kissed the Doctor's cheek, eeeeee! Also, he was in a tuxedo and Amy was in a gorgeous dress with her hair done up and they were beautiful, even afterward in the rubble and dusty and despondent.

When Amy put the paddles to the Doctor's chest and he leapt up and reacted wildly, it really, really reminded me of that time Martha saved Ten's life and how Ten reacted. Eleven's never reminded me of Ten that strongly that I can remember. Huh.

I hate my nose (this is a constant whining refrain these weeks), and I have planned all along that today I would clean house, cull crap to take to Good Will, and otherwise make this place less of a pigsty, but it looks gorgeous and inviting and cool and autumn-y outside, and I would much rather sit on my back patio and read. Blah. I only get the reward after I do some of the work, right?


plague, crossovers yay, dw, fandom, lighting, seasons, rl

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