It's not fun anymore when it starts STRESSING YOU OUT.

Apr 02, 2012 20:15

Holy gods, I have reached the point when fun things are causing me extra stress and that is just SILLY.

This weekend: fly to New Orleans, travel through swamp and plantation, possible Easter egg or keg or something hunt?, GO TO A MUSEUM for once while still in the French Quarter
Next weekend: birthday dinner Friday night I'm organizing for myself at a local restaurant (OMG large party! OMG making a reservation! OMG asking friends to spend money to buy their own dinners when we all are broke!); mini road-trip with the boy around the area Saturday/Sunday
Following weekend: maybe clean house? For the first time in longer than I care to think?
Last weekend of April: one choir concert Saturday night in one town, sing at church services at o'gods o'clock for different choir Sunday morning in another town
First weekend of May: fly back east to visit friends
(dad visiting in here somewhere?)
Last weekend of May: friend's wedding, possible mini-road trip somewhere since it's a long weekend?
(dad visiting in here somewhere?)
Late June: fly to upper northwest for another friend's wedding, if the timing and moneys and vacation work out?
Last weekend of June/first week of July: fly to BUDAPEST AND PRAGUE, boo-fucking-yah
First week of August: SAA conference in California; try to visit cousins that weekend before flying back

I do this to myself every year lately. Note to self: SPACE THE TRAVEL OUT BETTER. Also, allow yourself weekends at home every once in a while, fool.

Wait, it's my 30th birthday year. I promised myself EPIC TRAVEL, didn't I? But, just, between work and the boy and choirs and family and other RL stuff, I've had no time to play in any fandom, write much fic, and I don't have the time to miss it but I miss it anyway.

Yesterday we saw a production of Importance of Being Earnest, and I always go to productions of this play because no matter how terrible the actors may be, the play is still funny because of the writing. And this was going to be one of those mundane, mediocre productions until right there in the second act when Algy threw a muffin at Ernest's back, snatched it from the floor where it fell, and tossed it in his mouth. The actor playing Ernest proceeded to break, and then so did the actor playing Algy when he tried to say his line with a mouth full of muffin. There is nothing, I tell you, nothing more gleeful than when even the actors can't keep a straight face. The audience went into hysterics; the other bit as hysterically funny was when the ancient butler made continuous creaking noises serving tea while Cecily and Gwendolyn looked on in horror.

(This was a much more physical/melodramatic reading of the play than I usually see, which actually did make it quite fun--their movements were often highly stylized and exaggerated in lovely, silly ways.)

So, yes, LIFE. Christ, such a first-world problem, I should quit my whining.

fandom, really ought to have a travel tag by now, theatre, drama

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