Of Prostitutes and Honey Bees, Stone Roses and Gay Exes.

May 06, 2008 17:34

I swear, our hos are just getting cheeky now!

For those who don't know, I now live in a slightly-questionable development topped by highly questionable apartments.  We're at the very bottom of said development, about a mile from the complex, so it's not as bad as oh, say, the top of the neighborhood.  Still, we have issues with prostitutes.  There's a shopping center in front of the aparments, and all along the road behind it prostitutes like to hang out; truckers pick them up there, and usually they stay behind and do their...er, business there.  Every now and then, though, a car picks them up - and proceeds to drive down to where we live, park in the end of the road right in front of our house, 'n proceed to...do business.

It was really bad when we first moved here, since the house had been empty up 'til the people who lived here before us moved in (they had only lived there a year, and it was empty for a bit of time during settlement 'n such).  But Mum started calling the police on 'em, 'n after a while they died down a bit (only Chantal said they're going up to the end-of-road down the road from her, so relocated is a more appropriate term).

We still have issues every now and then (still have to call on a stray car, still find the occasional skimpy knickers or condom/package, etc.), but it's not as bad as it first was.  And really, that's the only reason anyone other than Mum (or our occasional visitor, like Granma/family/etc.) parks down there.  So really, if it's a car we don't recognize down there with people we don't recognize, 99.98% of the time it's a ho and her John.

Anyway, I heard some baby birds going nuts outside not too long ago, 'n I grabbed the camera 'n went out.  We've got a hole in our porch roof where a post used to be, 'n this bird family likes to go up there 'n nest.  Last year they were right on the edge, 'n the babies would stick their heads down 'n squawk for food.  Then Xander ate a 'rent, 'n this year I guess they've moved farther into the roof - though they're still up there.  Anyway, I'm out there looking for the birds (not finding any), so I start telling Xander it's all his fault for eating the 'rent (while he's just cuddling my feet, 'cause he's weird), 'n I turn around to see a car at the bottom.  There's a guy 'n a girl in there, so no surprise as to what they're doing.  Or had just done, or were preparing to do when I came out 'n started making a fuss.  So the John waves at me and drives off.

Waves at me.  Like, "Oh, hay, nice day - we'll just stop whoring around in front of your house now, you're welcome.  BAI!"  Yeah, great - ta!  I swear, they're getting bolder.  (And I want to be mad that they were even down there to begin with, but...it's just too funny.  Weird, but still funny.  Odd.  The Johns of Suburbia Nowhere are freaks.  xD)


Honey bees!

So, yeah.  Donna made that comment in Partners in Crime about the bees disappearing.  Now, being as not-up-to-date on current events as I am, I thought it was just some random weird thing the writers put in - maybe to lead in to that giant wasp thing that's coming up (the one in the S4 preview)?  But then I had to get a thing of Häagen Dazs today, 'n 'cause I'm just a reader I started reading the packaging (don't ask - I'm weird).

Well, apparently the thing about the bees is trufax.  xD  Seriously - there's this note about how the honeybees are disappearing and no one knows why, and "since almost 40% of our products come from honeybee-influenced products, we're supporting research into this topic!", and...I'm a horrible, horrible person that laughed her head off.  'Cause now I can't help but wonder: was it just something weird they threw in based off real-life events, are they using the real-life event to instigate plot for the giant wasps, or was it just a lucky guess?  I'm banking on option B - no, 2 - but C/3 would be hilarious, too.

Speaking of hilarious: The Stone Rose.  I don't normally like paying for my fanfiction ('cause honestly, you know that's all official series novels are), but I've heard too much about this book to not.  (But seriously, I wanna hear the audiobook, too - either buy it or see if anyone has it 'n can send a sound file or something, 'cause dude.  I really wanna hear Tennant playing Jackie.  And Mickey, but Jackie more.  'Cause that's just gotta be hilarious.  xD)  Got it ytesterday, 'n I'm about ten or so pages from the end.  LOVED IT.  I can't get over the Roman Beatles (-SNERK-  did anyone else think Sweeney Todd when George started talking about his pies?), and Mickey 'n the Doc's scene at the museum was gold (but back at the first museum scene in the opening, that foot is totally the Foot of Boe - bs all you want, Doc, you know it's true!).  And yeah, it really is very shippy (but then again, when you're a born shipper you can see shippiness in anything).  AND LAWLYPOPZ - DISNEY REFS.  Gotta love the Doctor 'n his D*sney (completely forgetting the fact that it was Rose doing the referencing, but I digress).  (...and ho'shiz, how much do I wanna write crack!fic based on the "You better not have signed my bottom!" comment Rose made?  xD)

Anyway, yeah.  I need to stop listening to Taylor Swift, 'cause I wanna do a Rose x Jimmy/Doctor x Rose fic now based on "Perfectly Good Heart", an AU Rose-centric fic based on "Should've Said No" about Ten x Reinette (AU GitF, mayhaps?), something Martha x Doctor/Tom x Martha based on "Invisible" (blimey if that song doesn't fit...), something Doc x Rose using "I'm Only Me When I'm With You", and something MIckey x Rose AU using "Mary's Song (Oh My My My)".  Give me time 'n I'll prob'ly find more, too.  (Yeah, I said before in an AN to one of my HM fics that, given time, I'd prob'ly incorporate every song Taylor's done in a fic.  I've used at least two so far - maybe one, 'cause I think the other is still in-progress (haylo, "Teardrops On My Guitar" and Martha's Rose complex!).  Just watch - that statement will come to fruition yet!)

(Though I'm seriously thinking selling the CD 'n getting another non-Wal*Mart, non-censored version.  Dammit, Wal*Mart, the best part of "Picture to Burn" is "...that's fine - I'll tell mine you're gay!", not "..that's fine, I don't mind what you say"!  And honestly, "I laugh 'cause it's so damn funny" changing to "just so funny"?  I'm all for censoring the music when it's rappers dropping f-bombs every five seconds, but for just two phrases on a whole CD you're gonna make her do different tracks and change the jacket?  When one of the phrases completely makes the song?  You wound me.  Dx)

fandom, funny, life

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