So I've had a pretty shit week overall. And the one coming is proooobably not gonna get any better. Only one good thing happened and that was that I FINALLY got myself a job.
- So Thursday I got hired at the movie theater near my college which is nice. Finished the paperwork today. I was actually really happy about this, but it's kind of being overshadowed by all the other crappy things that happened.
- And then, on Thursday evening, I tooootally bombed my Japanese test as well as made a fool of myself with the dialogue reading I had to do in front of the class. Whenever I have to do it, I just get super nervous which leads to mistakes and then more mistakes and then it's just this horrible cycle and blaaaaah. If you could wish yourself out of existence, I totally wouldn't be here any more.
- After class, I found out I got a parking ticket. A fucking parking ticket the one freakin day I didn't buy a parking pass. There goes $40 bucks.
- Then my grandma called me to tell me that she was at the hospital because my grandpa was picked up by an ambulance again. So I had to drive in one direction to pick my little sister up from the hospital and then drive in the opposite direction from the hospital to the airport to pick up my mom. Suffice to say, I didn't get home until verrrrry late. And you know, I don't really mind doing all this stuff because I love my family, it's just like... did this really all have to happen on the same god damn day?
- This week is finals week, soooo basically I'm totally gonna fail my Japanese final which will result in my failing the course(which I can't afford to fail either lol) and I still don't know what to write for this stupid comic.
- And to top everything off with a $200+ cherry, I got my first ever speeding ticket today. Not only am I gonna have to pay for the ticket, but unless I do traffic school, my insurance is gonna go up. And I wanna do traffic school, but that's some more money for processing, and then traffic school is about $20-30 depending, and asking for all this money from my mom isn't gonna go well at all. I still haven't even figured out how to tell her this happened. And normally, I'd just do it and apologize and get it over with, like every time I fuck up, but this time is different because of the "I told you so" aspect. Meaning, she's always warned me, ALWAYS WARNED ME IN BIG GIANT NEON LETTERS, to not speed and be careful because we can't afford to pay for a speeding ticket and such.... and now look what I've gone and done. Sometimes I amaze even myself with how much of a fuck up I am.
But hey. At least I got a job right? A job which I can use to pay for all this shit... Guess I know where my first few paychecks are going.