Apr 12, 2007 01:19
I thieved this questionnaire thingy from Jamie's page.
1. Would you chew gum after someone else?
Oh hell no! Not unless i was dating her and really liked her.
2. Describe your relationship status?
Finally single! Am i really free? I'm not sure but i sure hope so!
3. David?
I know sooooooo many Davids (almost as many as "Steve"s), just like that Kids in the Hall song, "These are the Daves i know"
4. Are you a heart breaker, or the broken heart?
I'm usually a broken heart, but the one time i really broke a heart, she went psycho on me
5. Ever been skinny-dipping?
Not unless you count public baths
6. Earrings or necklace?
7. Who have you talked to most today?
My students and co-workers
8. Pumpkins?
Rock in pies, soup and tempura
10. Color of your shirt?
Blue flannel (my PJ's)
11. How many years have you taken a language?
Officially, about 1 year of Arabic (on and off really), one summer of Chinese and 3 years of Japanese. Unofficially, the Arabic goes up to about my whole life, French gets in there from kindergarden until University, and Japanese becomes more like 8 years
12. Whose Who's on speed dial two?
I don't use speed-dial
13. What is your background on your computer?
A night cityscape shot i took of Yokohama
14. Do you wish on 11:11?
15. Good advice if you ever go camping?
Bring lots of bug spray and keep your food in a tree
16. Are you a bad influence?
I hope not, but i sometimes can be
17. What color are your eyes?
18. Would you rather have your name or your sibling’s name?
I have no siblings. My name is fine
19. Would you do anything for someone?
You've gotta define "anything" better than that. It also depends on the person. I generally wouldn't put myself at personal risk for others, but i've been known to be "too nice"
20. Have you ever been called a bitch?
Yes, but i've never been anyone's bitch
21. Favorite color?
Royal Blue, a color that i can't really wear too well but do anyways :-P
22. Do you use smiley faces on the computer?
Just did, and probably will again soon! I use them all the time(^_-)
23. What song is on?
Right now, Panic at the Disco's "I Write Sins Not Tragedies", a funny song about a messed-up wedding. Funny thing is the guy whose wedding i'm gonna sing at likes this band. Maybe i should sing this song at his wedding :-P (i used a smiley again!!)
24. Are your grades good?
I was a borderling Nerd in High School, but my grades were kindof crap in University. That is until i changed my Major to East Asian Studies. Then i kicked some serious ass once again!
25. Do you ever think people hate you for filling these out?
Oh yeah, but i'm gonna put this behind a Cut to avoid getting complaints from people
26. Would you date anyone on your top friends?
Who are my top friends? You mean here?? There's no one i CAN date here!
27. Does your best friend(s) have a myspace?
No but he's on Facebook. EVERYBODY's on freakin' Facebook!! I met ALL my old crushes from High School up until University on freakin' Facebook!! It's EVIL i tell you!!
28. Whose page did you visit last?
My friend's Mixi page. Good Japanese practice, and the only way to keep in touch with my old student who now lives in Toronto.
29. Last time you went out to lunch?
Today, had Subways since a new one recently opened up near work
30. Do you watch the Gilmore Girls?
Oh hell no!
31. Have you ever enjoyed listening to Jack Johnson?
I enjoy listening to Jack BLACK, who the hell is Jack Johnson?
32. Have you ever seen or enjoyed watching the O.C.?
Never watched it, and have no intention of starting anytime soon
33. Do you have one or more Britney Spears C.D.s?
No, not a single one! If i ever got one as a gift, i'd be embarrassed to even use it as a coaster
34. Which radio stations are your favorites?
Haven't listened to the radio in a LONG time. I guess i liked Mix 96, 92.5 and whatever is playing non-hip-hop music
35. Are you a Lost fanatic?
I watched about half the first season. It was pretty cool, but a lot of the episodes were hit-or-miss. I'm a Heroes/Smallville/Supernatural/CSI fanatic though
36. Have you ever dated a member of the same sex?
37. Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library?
Nope, somehow i missed that one
38. Alanis Morissette?
Oh hell no!
39. Do you watch Family Guy regularly?
Oh hell YEAH! Giggity-giggity!!
40. King of the Hill?
Watched it for a bit on my friend's dish, but i don't go out of my way to listen to it
41. Do you read trashy romance novels often?
(Another) Oh hell no!
42. Do you sing obnoxiously in the car?
Heheheh, yeah, but who doesn't?
44. Do you ever sing in the shower when no one is home?
Decent acoustics in the shower, and it's been proven that we sound better due to refraction in the tiles and water, but i usually don't have time to mess around in the shower. It's all business in there!
45. Have you ever watched a little kid's show?
Yeah, when i was a little kid mostly though. However i still enjoy cartoons from time to time, and my friend has a library of retro cartoons (Spiderman, Super-Friends, etc.) in his place that we watch sometimes.
46. Have you ever pretended your crush was with you when they weren't?
Uh, no, i'm not a psycho
47. Did you draw pictures for your first crush back in elementary school?
Not in elementary school, but i did in high school. Actually i just recently talked to her and she told me that she still has it and has seen it recently! How freaky is that? Damn you Facebook!!
48. Have you ever liked a girl/boy but didn't ask her/him out because you were afraid?
Yeah, all too many times. Freakin' story of my life! I still do that sometimes, but at least now my fear is more justified
49. Have you ever written a poem or story about your life?
I've written poetry and stories, but not about my life. I'm working on a novel, but it isn't about my life either.
50. Have you ever spent over an hour thinking about nothing but a certain person?
Yeah, oh yeah. My ex. I've wasted entire afternoons thinking about her. All of it was fearful thinking too! That'll give you white hairs by the truckloads. Fear sucks.
51. Have you ever liked someone solely because of their appearance?
Yeah, my ex. Not gonna make that mistake again
52. Do you eat all the servings in the food groups on a daily basis?
Yeah, let's see... chocolate, cookies, ramen, water, bread, margarine, ... that about cover it?
53. Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization?
If you've ever seen my apartment, i'd probably never see you again :-P Then again, once i start cleaning, i'm like a beast and don't stop until i've done it all >:-O
54. Have you ever been to South America or Africa?
55. Do you know how to knit?
I used to, but i can't remember how anymore. I'd like to pick it up again someday
56. Do you have a cell phone or iPod with a patterned cover?
No, i'm not a Gyaru
57. Have you ever written love song lyrics yourself and put them on myspace?
58. Do you keep a diary or journal online?
Does this count?
59. When you open your closet, what is the dominant color?
Black, only because it's dark in there and there's no light
60. Baskin Robbins or Coldstone
Never had Cold Stone, but i like Baskin Robbins
61. physics or chemistry?
Physics all the way! Although Chemistry is pretty cool too :)
62. Earphones or headphones?
I like those little buds that stick in your ears, although i always have to buy the foams for them, otherwise they just fall out of my ears :-/
63. Pink or teal?
64. Do you like somebody right now?
No, and i don't think i will for a long time thanks to my ex. I've gone cold
66. Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, or Star Wars?
All 3, but without the newer Star Wars movies.
67. Fly or Road Trip?
Depends on where i'm going, but generally a road trip is more fun, assuming that i'm the one driving!
68. Starbucks?
Don't like coffee
69. What is your favorite Disney movie?
Disney... Alladin maybe? Mulan was pretty cool too
70. Have you ever bought clothing at Sears?
Yeah, my high school prom suit, the jacket of which i still wear (wore it today!)
And that concludes my insane waste of time. It took me an hour to write all these answers so i hope you actually read them :-P
Not much else to report. Went to a game center last Monday and won a Famicom clone out of a UFO catcher! That was awesome! I tested it out and it actually works, so i'm suddendly in "gotta get retro games" mode(^-^) I tried a couple of shops today but couldn't find anything i really want there. I'm gonna hit a really big shop on Friday, so if there're any games you want me to look for, let me know!! (Ben and Denise: are there any other Fire Emblem games you guys are missing that i can look for?)
Also went to Hanami last weekend and ate lots of chicken. Good barbecue, good friends, bad booze. The beer was ok, the shochu was ok, the chu-hi was ok, but the Suntory Whiskey tasted of Windex and gave me a massive hangover IMMEDIATELY after drinking it. Like seriously, i felt like crap about an hour after i drank it. That's record hangover time i think. So the moral here, Stay away from Suntory Whiskey. It's shit.
Cherry blossoms were really nice, but they're only starting to bloom in Nikko. I might have the chance to meet my friend there and see more cherry blossoms minus the booze.
Ok, time for bed!