Chicago has ended with 5 of 6 shows sold out, tears all around and flowers to everyone. McCallum musicals are over. My Stage-Management career at McCallum is over. I feel like some large chapter of my life has ended and i'm a little sad.
Theatre and Stage-Management has really defined who I am as a person for the past four years. Not again will I be the first to arrive and the last to leave. I'll never give a 15 minute call, call a show, be a booth buddy or simply be giddy cause we did it all right and I was in charge. There is one more play, one more good show, one more bang before this theatre thing that is such a huge part of me is over - possibly for good, and so I cried alot tonight, but the show was good. Perfect, really. And the audience was good. And people I love came to see it.
I wasn't able to describe the affect theatre has had on me during good-show, and I can't really do it here. All of you who've worked with me on any rock. The friendships I've made with you have proven to be the ones that lasted the test of time and drama of highschool. The memories I have with you are the most vivid and fond of my highschool career. Cliche and said by everyone, but it IS the friendships that you take with you, and while the show is over - the friendships live on. I owe you the world for that. Thanks.
And now, I present:
Backstage at Pictures!
1) Preface: Cheyenne and Naleby get pretty for Peter Pan!
2) Ah. Cheyenne Hard at work helping to program lights. I was sad Kerry failed out - but Reno was a blast in the booth.
3)Mmmm...a dressing room. I sewed some stuff in there, we hid flowers in the closet and turned off curling irons that the actors couldn't remember to turn off. By the end of the run - they were DISGUSTING.
4) Well, see...really. Chicago was all about sex dancing. And Bonnie has a nice ass.
5) But Seriously. Who was the true pimp? Me. Duh. PSM? Production stage manager? No. Pimp stage manager.
6) Speaking of's me seducing Sarah!
7) hey! it worked! AWESOME!
8) Man, and then I had sex with danced with annie! HAWT.
10) Sarah P was pretty hawt too.
11) And then I just had a threesome with her and Bonnie, because she had a nice ass. Damn. I ball.
12) Ah, hell. Let's just have a cast orgy.
So, the moral of this story is Shows are really hard work and make you angry. But the cast parties with all their sex dancing make the whole damn thing worthwhile. Woah!