It was a mostly crafty day, with two short naps in-between... both of which were really needed.
I started the day with boxing the finished Christmas cookies from yesterday. Then I took
a photo of the little gift box decorated for our chiropodist lady. The small wooden angel on the right wasn't made by me; the cookies on the left were.
While she was working on Mum, I finished the 5th (and now really last) little angel. I think she turned out well enough, even though I accidentally selected a too small wooden bead for her head; that's why I couldn't place her bun correctly:
I also started embroidered card #38; a seemingly simple pattern which I managed to mess up nonetheless and had to undo part of it. So I decided to continue tomorrow as I was too angry with myself. And I managed to make cat-in-the-sack box #41. I hope my fellow choir members will bring me some empty toilet rolls tomorrow because I've run off them and can't make more boxes at the moment.
After the chiropodist lady left, we both needed a nap. She was marginally less exhausting than usual but still managed to talk for two and a half hours without a break. How she can do it is beyond me, but it's really tiring.
We had leftovers for lunch, then I did a tiny bit of writing, we watched a bit of telly and then took another nap. Afterwards it was time for "The Repair Shop" and a light supper, and now the day is over again. It is frightening how much time flies by when you are old and slowed down.