I've finished decorating the biscuits I had baked yesterday. You can view the results
here. I think they turned out well enough, especially the chocolate-red currant jam ones. The dough for the chestnut swirls proved to be too soft (again), so all the nice patterns got lost in the oven. That's why I decorated them as weird little gnomes; at least that way they are funny-looking. And they taste heavenly anyway.
But first I did a food run at stupid o'clock, for that is the best way to actually get the things that are on offer in our very popular local Lidl supermarket. They open at 7am. I was there at 7:10 and the place was already fairly crowded. Still I got almost everything I wanted and reached the spending level after which I'm entitled to a free gift: either a bag of salad, a package of cold cuts or... I can't remember what the third option is. Of course, this is the November action, so I'll have to go back together before the month runs out. But that isn't so bad, as I've forgotten to buy that frozen spinach for Mum (they had a buy 2 get 1 for free action with them), so that way I can redeem myself in her eyes. *g*
As I got very little sleep last night (four and a half hours are definitely not enough for this old hag), I was a bit... slow all day. But I got a lot done nevertheless. Aside from the biscuit decorating, I've knitted a whole scarf (for a 15-cm felt snowman, mind you, but still a scarf), wrote another couple of paragraphs, talked to my friend Eenie on the phone, cooked lunch and even managed a short nap in-between. So I feel very accomplished at the moment... and very sleepy...