Jun 18, 2008 00:56
Got invited to go see You Don't Mess With The Zohan by my mom's coworker. OMG. You guys. OMG. So over-the-top crazy i was cracking up laughing every two minutes. Thank you, Adam Sandler. I was beginning to think you lost your touch, man.
In Plain Sight: No! C'mon! You were doing so well! You were on the right track, the writing was good, the acting was better, you gave me a female lead i could like! Now you wanna start playing the "will they, won't they" with Mary and her partner? I thought you weren't going to do this cliche! At least until you got desperate for new plots. HOW CAN YOU BE DESPERATE AFTER 3 EPISODES?! Fucking hell.
My new med suppresses the appetite. I mean, i usually ate one meal a day anyway, but on this i'm eating less of it. So when i wake up i'm all woozy and weak. I guess the semi-good news is everyone keeps telling me i look thinner. But i weigh myself after those comments and there's no change. Bzuh. It's fun watching people backpedal tho.
"Hey! Are you losing weight?"
"I don't think so..."
"Your face looks much thinner!"
"......I had a fat face?" [lip quiver for effect]
Mwahahaha. Dance, monkeys! Dance!
movie reviews,
in plain sight,