Er, i'm okay

Feb 03, 2007 16:33

Tornadoes, man. Like whoa. But it was 10mi. from us, so we only got REALLY bad weather. My family, and i think my mom said Cone, called, so...*waves* S'all good. It was bad enough that i got a sense of dread at about 10pm and kept running thru survival plans in my mind. As i laid in bed between 2-4am, with the rain and wind slamming against the window opposite me, the thunder rattling the house, and the lightning making my pitch-black room light up like it was dawn--Well, i was wide awake and ready to grab my dogs and bolt to the bathroom should i hear a train whistle. Finally fell asleep after making sure it was really gone at around 5am.

How weird to slunk out of bed at 9am for work and turn on the news to see houses decimated in the next town over. It was a bit horrifying. 19 (i think that's the final count) are dead, including 3 kids. One of the kids died with his parents, leaving his two sisters orphans. I saw their grandmother on the news shouting her son, daughter-in-law and grandson were dead. "They're all dead!" Just the way she said it ripped me to shreds.

I haven't been down to see the damage. They have the whole place on a kind of lockdown because of looters. I guess for safety too. FEMA is down there actually giving a damn, but i think it's just because the Pres ordered them too. Meanwhile, you know the tornadoes that destroyed houses on Christmas day down here? FEMA denied them previously (asshats). Now? Now they're getting help too. Oh, and can i just say i love our Governor Charlie Crist? I do.

I'mma go take a shower. nothing. Going weeks without leaving this house for fun drives me up a wall, people.

the villages, tornadoes

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