Sep 25, 2005 19:17
hooo boy. its been a while hasnt it? well good folks of xangaland, the workload has become monstrous. thus, xangaing has taken a back seat to life's other less fun things. like homework, band, college, stupid stuff. but im here now! horray! i think im gonna try and put a poem/song/made up random thing on here that andrew sent me in a voice message. it really was better coming from him, but ill jsut let you imagine it.
there once was a man named Stu, he had a business making shoes
one day he married a girl named Kate, and life was going really great
then one day he had an affair, with Edith who had long brown hair
then Kate and Edith found out and killed Stu, and heres the moral for you
you cant have your Kate and Edith too.
it actually took me a little while to get that, i had to repeat the end to myself, but when i did get it, boy was i ever amused.
today i tried calling danae so i dialed what i thought was her number. someone picked up and said "bueno?" and i thought it was just danae messing around. so i was like "hey danae cut it out, i need to talk to you." and the lady was like "blah blah blah" in spanish. so i was like "seriously danae, practice spanish some other time i want to talk to you" then i heard her talk to someone in the background in spanish. at this time i kinda got uneasy, so i looked at the number i had dialed. i was one diget off of danae's number. whoops. so really really quickly i said "umsorrywrongnumbergoodbye". how silly of me.