This will be briefish. My fannish activity in the past monthish has been on the not side.
I watched the first season of Grey's Anatomy. There are no prizes for guessing which character I would really like to have sex with. I mean, all the characters are really pretty and all, but. Gah. So now I've ILL'd the second season so I can watch that even closer to midterms//finals.
There's so much femslash on my flist right now.
femslash07. Yay! Yay! Yay! YAY.
I'm really excited about my Remix assignment. Perhaps I should start writing it pretty soon.
Ann M. Martin is writing
a new series (Ann's letter is
here). About a fabric store. This is so great I couldn't possibly be making it up. (Also, the characters will AGE. ♥)
I hear yesterday was the tenth anniversary of B:tVS beginning to air in the US. I didn't start watching anywhere near the beginning, but this is still exciting news. Happy anniversary, fandom.