femslash '07 letter

Mar 12, 2007 10:19

[future-dated and comment-locked, as am technically away-from-LJ at the mo']

Dear femslash07 writer,

...I'm sorry.

As you've probably noticed, I am A Fan of cross-gen. But I'm also a fan of non-cross-gen, so when I've offered options (e.g., SG-1), feel free to go with what suits you. If you do write cross-gen, I don't care how old the characters are. Whatever makes you comfortable is fine; don't worry about me. Teacher/student while the student is still a student, more than fine, as is teacher/student when the student's no longer a student. As is BDSM in all its varieties. (I would prefer, however, that you not write rape or "realistic chan;" fandom is my fantasy place.) As are fraught and tense power dynamics between relative equals. As is romance and even fluff (especially, I will not lie, in the pairings with distinct age gaps. I'm fonder of fraught and sexy with Sam/Janet, Sam/Elizabeth, Lilah/Fred or Kira/Ezri).

Mirrorverse!Kira/Ezri, just to be clear, would be great, as would ourverse.

I'm not entirely caught up on Stargate: SG-1 and would prefer not to be spoiled past the end of S9. Please mark spoilers clearly, for my sake and for the sake of others.

Everything else I'd want to say would just further convince you that I Am A Horrible Person (which is quite possibly true), so stopping now.

Thanks for volunteering to write in one or more of my fandoms; I hope there is something that you'd love to write, or, barring that, something that in writing you come to love.


femslash annual, wishlists, dear author: i am delightfully bizarre

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