ficpost: "Incurable" McGonagall/Giles/River

Aug 27, 2005 20:26

Title: "Incurable"
Fandoms: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, and Firefly
Grouping: McGonagall/Giles/River
Other pairings mentioned: McGonagall/Luna, McGonagall/Hermione, Giles/Buffy, Giles/Willow, Simon/River.
Rating: R
Warnings: Beyond the obvious ones implied in the pairing list (like age difference, incest, and threesomes)? Very!dommey! ( Read more... )

river tam, my buffyverse fanfic, harry potter, firefly, my fanfic, my firefly fic, crossovers, rupert giles, my harry potter fanfic

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upon rereading this.. hermionesviolin September 1 2005, 19:55:19 UTC
I totally read this through too fast the first time.

> "Could we take her for a walk?" she asks. If they can get as far as the edge of the Forest, they can Apparate

In rereading I remembered that you can't Apparate on Hogwarts grounds. Upon first reading I just assumed they needed to be out of eyesight so they could sneak away.

Huzzah for authorial attention to little details.

Speaking of... I love the small ways in which we learn about McGonagall's relationship with/feelings for Hermione and Luna -- and Giles being sick of hearing about it but then remembering his own girls.

Also love: Muggle technology in "Hogwarts," Dumbledore leaving McGonagall a cottage (and such a perfect one).

> "And I found a disaster. They seem to follow me."
> "It sounds more as if you're following them."

Love that bit.

And I *love* the bits about being able to sense magic.

> (Time travelers. Who knows what will come out of the Room next? Reavers? Vampires? Sanity?)


I hadn't noticed first time 'round just what beautiful slicing there is between the worlds during the discussion of River's sanity, and I also didn't realize until this readthrough just how River's remarks to Giles told him what he needed to know. On first read I was like, "Oh, Hamlet, see, she's clever, ergo sane" but this time I was like, "Oh, Hamlet! Who fakes being crazy. Which is her way of saying she's not as out of control"

> and the look in River's eyes is straight-forward seduction.

How did I miss this line the first time through?

> "Wake up, Mei-mei. Wake up. You've been asleep for almost a day."
> "Had things to do," she tells him.

*loves you like mad* (er, no pun intended)

And of course the "Ever's a long time, River. Don't make yourself any promises you can't keep." fills my honesty-obsessed soul with joy.

> If this is the world she made, why is it made so poorly, so illogically, so slapped-together ugly and so big and empty, why?

Such a perfect line -- and so sad.

> "I haven't had access to water for three days, Rupert, not to mention the three hundred years or so in between my last bath and now."


> She used to dart between worlds like a god;

Ooh, that's such an Illyria line. (And I also love the second half of the sentence -- "now she's stuck in the misery that the doctors say she made.")

> She doesn't want to see what Kaylee made her, doesn't want this world to have tangibles or flesh.


> "I want to play," she says, "grown-up games."


> She isn't even sure anymore which way is the easy way out.

Another great line I somehow missed the first time.

> so there's no need for to lie awake waiting for a brother who'll never come for her, because she's crazy and he's sane, and they weren't meant to be together.


> who's quite clever and only slightly broken, who wants him and won't let him run away.



And you know this is going on my recs page for tonight's update, right?

*love you*


Re: upon rereading this.. wisdomeagle September 1 2005, 20:40:16 UTC
YAY! *happies at the feedback*

In rereading I remembered that you can't Apparate on Hogwarts grounds. Upon first reading I just assumed they needed to be out of eyesight so they could sneak away.

Yep. Have you not read Hogwarts: a History? (I'm not too detail-oriented in HP canon, but that's a fact Hermione has drilled into even my head.)

I hadn't noticed first time 'round just what beautiful slicing there is between the worlds during the discussion of River's sanity, and I also didn't realize until this readthrough just how River's remarks to Giles told him what he needed to know. On first read I was like, "Oh, Hamlet, see, she's clever, ergo sane" but this time I was like, "Oh, Hamlet! Who fakes being crazy. Which is her way of saying she's not as out of control"

Yay allusion! (I was kinda proud of that bit.)

"She used to dart between worlds like a god;"

Ooh, that's such an Illyria line.

Yes, it is. *loves on Illyria like whoa, though isn't entirely sure what she's doing in the crackfic other than some sort of "it's all connected" thing and wacky parallelism.

Thanks so much for feedback and for reccing -- not that I have high hopes for readership sky-rocketing, given the pairing list, but thanks anyhow. I'm glad you enjoyed. :)

*love like whoa*


Re: upon rereading this.. hermionesviolin September 2 2005, 04:12:31 UTC
The Apparating I totally *should* have remembered since they mention it like every book. My brain is just sometimes not so much with the functioning.

*loves on Illyria like whoa, though isn't entirely sure what she's doing in the crackfic other than some sort of "it's all connected" thing and wacky parallelism.

*grins* I kinda suspected as much. And given the fic, it is totally legitimate.

I, of course, am in heart with the pairing list :)

And I shall poke Doyle to read it at some point.

I did in fact finish my site update while it was September 1. (Not that I'm obsessive and/or anal-retentive or anything.) Oh how much crack I have written this past month. And *damn,* every month I surprise myself with how much I've read and found worthy of reccing.


Re: upon rereading this.. wisdomeagle September 2 2005, 04:21:41 UTC
I, of course, am in heart with the pairing list :)

And as is your crackfic, that is entirely appropriate. :)

I know! Not, of course, because I refreshed every half hour or so, however. (I in fact only checked twice, once at 8:30 and once at about midnight.)

Am now clicking through the new stuff, and some old stuff I hadn't actually poked at before. Yay, crack!


Re: upon rereading this.. hermionesviolin September 2 2005, 04:43:11 UTC

On all counts.

I usually do the update shortly after midnight on the last of the month -- i.e. when it is just technically the first of the month, but jobbyness kinda sideswiped me. I still have a bunch of fics I read and liked but I haven't had the time/energy/brainpower to do up feedback and recs blurbs. This is why there is always a next month.

I hope you find many things you enjoy.


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