Title: "Incurable"
Fandoms: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, and Firefly
Grouping: McGonagall/Giles/River
Other pairings mentioned: McGonagall/Luna, McGonagall/Hermione, Giles/Buffy, Giles/Willow, Simon/River.
Rating: R
Warnings: Beyond the obvious ones implied in the pairing list (like age difference, incest, and threesomes)? Very!dommey!
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Comments 15
It was so not a very strong suggestion. Is not my fault that it hits all your buttons. All it lacks is Fred. *wink* Incidentally, I was thinking of you just before I got your comment and read this 'cause I'm adding craziness into my darkfic and River is verging on writing on walls and so I thought of Fred and thus of you.
But, um, wow. You created the bestest way evar of crossing all these 'verses. The smutty part is like hardly even necessary 'cause the time travel and the sensing magic and teacher/student and the death and the crazy and everything is so awesome.
typo: "It's been ages since he's has [had] to hide wank material"
Totally thought of Doyle when I figured out how to get River into the mix.
It was so not a very strong suggestion. Is not my fault that it hits all your buttons. All it lacks is Fred. *wink*
It was SO a very strong suggestion. It's just that I probably didn't need your very strong suggestion to write it, 'cos, as you mentioned, KINK. (And I totally considered having River's Serenityverse have Fred/Kaylee in it, but then realized that would be gratuitous even for this fic, which is clearly the most self-indulgent thing I've ever written.)
Incidentally, I was thinking of you just before I got your comment and read this 'cause I'm adding craziness into my darkfic and River is verging on writing on walls and so I thought of Fred and thus of you.
But, um, wow. You created the bestest way evar of crossing all these 'verses. The smutty part is like hardly even necessary 'cause the time travel and the sensing magic and teacher/student and the death and the crazy and everything is so awesome.YAY! Thank you ( ... )
And I started babbling about my darkfic but then decided that really, I didn't need to inflict that upon your comments and perhaps I should just go back to working on the damn thing.
And I enjoyed this fic very, very much. Loved it.
In rereading I remembered that you can't Apparate on Hogwarts grounds. Upon first reading I just assumed they needed to be out of eyesight so they could sneak away.
Yep. Have you not read Hogwarts: a History? (I'm not too detail-oriented in HP canon, but that's a fact Hermione has drilled into even my head.)
I hadn't noticed first time 'round just what beautiful slicing there is between the worlds during the discussion of River's sanity, and I also didn't realize until this readthrough just how River's remarks to Giles told him what he needed to know. On first read I was like, "Oh, Hamlet, see, she's clever, ergo sane" but this time I was like, "Oh, Hamlet! Who fakes being crazy. Which is her way of saying she's not as out of control"
Yay allusion! (I was kinda proud of that bit.)
"She used to dart between worlds like a god;"
Ooh, that's such an Illyria line.Yes, it is. *loves on Illyria like whoa, though isn't entirely sure what she's doing in the crackfic other than some sort of "it's all ( ... )
*loves on Illyria like whoa, though isn't entirely sure what she's doing in the crackfic other than some sort of "it's all connected" thing and wacky parallelism.
*grins* I kinda suspected as much. And given the fic, it is totally legitimate.
I, of course, am in heart with the pairing list :)
And I shall poke Doyle to read it at some point.
I did in fact finish my site update while it was September 1. (Not that I'm obsessive and/or anal-retentive or anything.) Oh how much crack I have written this past month. And *damn,* every month I surprise myself with how much I've read and found worthy of reccing.
And as is your crackfic, that is entirely appropriate. :)
I know! Not, of course, because I refreshed every half hour or so, however. (I in fact only checked twice, once at 8:30 and once at about midnight.)
Am now clicking through the new stuff, and some old stuff I hadn't actually poked at before. Yay, crack!
This is wow in terms of the fictional-verse metaphysics.
The idea of the three of them together is wonderful.
I particularly loved Minerva (and the hints of Minerva/Luna). Also, her description of looking and finding, wanting Ravenclaws.
River is saner and more insane than either Harry or Buffy would have been.
Am really glad you enjoyed; thanks for commenting.
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