BSC: Logan Likes Mary Anne extras

Aug 11, 2005 02:07

So I just read Logan Likes Mary Anne and was deeply ashamed of myself for 'shipping Mary Anne/Logan despite it being a) canon, b) het and c) pastede on unyay. Still, Mary Anne is cute when she's in love. Although Logan speaks in exposition and is more in touch with and open about his feelings than any male person I've met ever. "Oh, I'm glad you ( Read more... )


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Comments 15

rhi_silverflame August 11 2005, 06:26:07 UTC
I'm fairly sure my younger cousin was one of the three boys who read the books, since he was the crack dealer who opened my eyes to the addictiveness that is the BSC.


scrollgirl August 11 2005, 16:37:22 UTC
My older guy cousin introduced me to BSC, though not so much "introduce" as "I stole his copy of the BSC Super Special and fell in love like whoa." It was Super Special #1, but it doesn't have the #1 on it because on first printing there was only the one SS. I don't think there were any extras in the back though. *g*


mirrorskippy August 11 2005, 06:58:56 UTC
mwahaha I remember this series, I think I still have dozens of the books at my dad's house. Wow this brings back some memories.

And Mary Anne and Dawn are awfully close...


ladybeth August 11 2005, 07:27:40 UTC
Ironically, just a few days ago I found a pile of old BSC books. I think they belonged to my cousin once upon a time. I remembered when I used to read them all the time. I was torn between wanting to be Kristy or Dawn but Claudia was my favorite character.

I forget who the one guy was that Kristy almost-dated but I always liked him with her.


jadedcynic August 11 2005, 15:46:45 UTC
His name was Bart. I think he coached/volunteered for a kids' softball team, too, and that's how he and Kristy met.

But I could be totally wrong. Even though it's never ever happened before. :D


ladybeth August 11 2005, 16:03:22 UTC
Ah, Bart. I liked Bart.

See I know his name started with a B but I could never remember the rest of it. Thanks for telling me.


wisdomeagle August 11 2005, 21:01:33 UTC
Nope, you're right. Bart Taylor. He coached the Bashers, and he and Kristy have teh_UST. It's, um, unique. *is not so much a fan of het!Kristy*


sk8eeyore August 11 2005, 08:26:14 UTC
So is the non-gender-specificness for a) the three boys who read the series or b) the fifteen hundred future lesbians who did so?

Hmmm! I'd have to go with a) sadly; I remember that when I belonged to the official BSC Fan Club and read the BSC features on Prodigy (old school internet service) in the early 90s (omg, am old!), there were often questions in the "Ask Ann" advice-type columns from boys whose friends teased them about reading the BSC. So I'll bet they became increasingly sensitive to that in the newstyle books (which I hated, btw; the original illustrations are SO much better).

Do you think Sharon is grimacing because she just found out what Mary Anne and Dawn have been doing after hours?

Yeah, probably.


wisdomeagle August 11 2005, 21:03:22 UTC
Huh! Interesting!

I have strong opinions about all the illustrations, and actually like some of the newstyle ones better -- there was one cover artist for the originals of whom I am not fond. I am finding lots of oldstyle covers I do want to scan, though -- like Hello, Mallory and The Ghost at Dawn's House. They are teh_pretty.


hermionesviolin August 11 2005, 15:06:16 UTC
"Oh, I'm glad you called, Mary Anne. It means you feel comfortable with me. You've never called me before, so I worried that you were too shy for me. Oh well. I'm glad you called."

That actually sounds much like the incredibly earnest gay boy i met a few years ago.


wisdomeagle August 11 2005, 21:03:47 UTC
Hee. Gay!Logan solves so many problems.


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