BSC: Logan Likes Mary Anne extras

Aug 11, 2005 02:07

So I just read Logan Likes Mary Anne and was deeply ashamed of myself for 'shipping Mary Anne/Logan despite it being a) canon, b) het and c) pastede on unyay. Still, Mary Anne is cute when she's in love. Although Logan speaks in exposition and is more in touch with and open about his feelings than any male person I've met ever. "Oh, I'm glad you called, Mary Anne. It means you feel comfortable with me. You've never called me before, so I worried that you were too shy for me. Oh well. I'm glad you called." OMGWTF?

On the other hand, there's this section in the back (this is one of your newer books, so it's got the newstyle extras) that has some questions about how YOU PERSONALLY relate to this story, so of course they ask who you've had a crush on. Only they make sure to do it very, very non-gender-specifically. "Mary Anne has a crush on Logan. I now have a crush on someone named _____. This person is _____ years old and has ____ (color) eyes and _____ (color) hair. I like this person a lot because________." Etc. So is the non-gender-specificness for a) the three boys who read the series or b) the fifteen hundred future lesbians who did so? [Though, okay, at the age when most kids read the BSC, I guess their sexuality isn't exactly set in stone and "it's okay to have crushes on girls or even on female teachers! That DOES NOT mean you're a lesbian. Oh no it doesn't! You're far too young to know for sure." /bitter.

But okay, on the third hand? This picture is giving me problems:

Because, it's a very nice family portrait of the Spier-Schafers, right? And Mary Anne and Dawn are looking quite pretty (though NONE of the illustrators ever figured out what "white-blonde hair down to her waist" means, and she's usually pictured with honey-gold hair down slightly past her shoulders, but oh well!) and snuggly, and Richard is... not quite how I picture him (there's an illustration in Mary Anne's Book that fits my mental image much better), but quite cute and dorky looking and clearly very happy. And since Richard = w00bie, that is of the good.

But Sharon! WHY does Sharon look like she's gritting her teeth and would rather be elsewhere? I mean, she looks totally unhappy. Really, like, miserable. And this is supposed to just be a happy family portrait. Why isn't she smiling? You know, like you do when you are with your husband and daughter and son and step-daughter, all of whom you love very much?

Mary Anne and Dawn, though. Too cute. (Although none of the illustrators quite captured my mental image of those two, either... *pouts*)

Do you think Sharon is grimacing because she just found out what Mary Anne and Dawn have been doing after hours?


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