sgwun for the very first time

Feb 10, 2005 14:19

Reckoning pt 1

Mmm, Replicarter is HOT. Hot with a capital T. Especially when she's murdering Goa'ulds with personality.


Man, SG-1 minus Jack is so frelling hot together. I think I might even be beginning to accept the Hair.

Damn, are they all wearing leather pants? Oh... Teal'c is in a skirt.... replicators! See? I told you it was Replicarter before!

Ohhh! Sam! With the, "Daniel!" She loves him, she does.

Mmm, Jacob/Jack.:) They are sex. In my universe, they done sex ALL THE TIME. And it makes Sam a tiny bit squicked.

"Weapons, receivers, silverware." :D

Replicarter are TAKE OVER teh_universe! *squee*

Errr, if they kill all the Goa'uld, they won't have a villain for S9.

Noooo, they came back without Daniel! And without a ship. "And by the way, where's Daniel?" SQUEE.

Personally, I think that Replicarter wants to sex Daniel. And I want Replicarter to sex

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! "cute little gray bum!" EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEee! Jack/Thor OMG OTP CANON!

.... I love Bra'tac and Teal'c very much, but random flabatnum much?

OOjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh adfsfklj ldkfajdlk jfad Carter in shirtsleeves. Boobies and arrrrrrrrrrrrrrms OMG. *flail* Ohhh, she dressed up to go meet with THOR. Hee. Well, so would I. :)

Man, Carter is hot, but Replicarter is hotter. Plus, oh, yay, plot. Jaffa, Decarra, blah blah. I adore Bra'tac. "Let us each fight the enemy we know best." This means Sam has to sex fight Replicarter.

Rawr, Replicater is teh_sex OMG. And Daniel doesn't want glowy alien mindsex? Okay, I suppose technically, it's non-con, and that's not so much with the good. But, but, but... hot.

Damn, I love Teal'c. Mmm, that look between Bra'tac and Teal'c? So cute.

Mmm, I really like the Tok'ra-Jaffa-Tau'ri crack. And the relationship between Jacob and Jack. And dude, they have like all their guest stars. Err, speaking of which, is that the same actor they had for Ba'al before? Hee. This? This is... this is not a bad episode. The cut-tags were right.

And Jack? OMFG you should not be in charge. EVER. Because codependence on team and preferencing Teal'c over rest of universe? So Jack. And also, so bad.

Oooh, inside of Daniel's brain yay! Oma Desala yay! ... okay, no. Daniel is not ascending again, right? Because, I would totally have gotten spoiled for that. But OMG SO MANY GUEST STARS.

And Baal? Is serving Anubis? O_o

Riight, 'cos Oma is so going to let Daniel get away with re-ascending. "Replictor Carter?" The eh? It's Replicarter, fool. Okay, who's thinking that's not so much Oma as, well... Replicarter? And dude, I can't believe I accidentally saw Mel Harris's name in the credits and forgot who she played.

*sigh* So much OTPy goodness! Sam/Thor and also Bra'tac/Teal'c and Jack/Jacob AND Daniel/Oma. And Anubis/Baal. And... oohh! Damn, it's so... complicated. And yes, it's good! I mean, the plot is actually engaging. And way, way complex.

I'd forgotten how annoying Oma could be. Or, not!Oma as the case may be.

Nooo! Thor?! No sacrificing yourself! *sniff* Damn, I so don't have time for part 2. I'm going to be so distracted during class.

Ohh, Decarra. Uh huh. Yeah. Convenient! Mmm hmm. Hee. I might ship Walter/Baal. Snerk.

That? Was actually a pretty decent cliffhanger. Which of course means that in the half hour I have before I leave for class, I will... dunno. But yeah. Yay Reckoning.

sg-1 for the very first time

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