joy for Lent: one

Feb 09, 2005 21:11


1. Today was Ash Wednesday and I spent most of it an ecstatic state of blissed out God-love. I had a wonderful conversation about Lent in my LiveJournal and decided on a Lenten path and then I went to the Ash Wednesday service at church and felt so insanely blessed by the beauty of the ritual and the sight of the little bowl of ashes thrilled me everytime I saw it and then I had ashes imposed on my forehead marked me made me. "Dust you are and to dust you shall return." *shiver*

2. I had ICE CREAM!

3. I finally hung all my Christmas cards on my bulletin board, so now it is a cork board full of shiny delights and beautiful things. Similarly, I hung an article about the Super Bowl on my door next to the World Series article, so my door proclaims New England pride yay!

4. I got my language and culture test back, and I got a 97, so now I have A's in all my classes with grades so far!

5. X-Files! MSR!

Three things I did well:
1. I ate three meals!
2. I started working on my giles_ficathon fic. For real.
3. I went to Cannon Hill after the Ash Wednesday service and prayed hard

Two things I will do better on tomorrow:
1. I will actually do actual school work. Really.
2. Today when my cohabitant asked me why I had a dot on my forehead the words that came out of my mouth were not "because I am a beloved and chosen child of God, marked, made, created, and saved by the sign of the cross, because I am a dusty earthy creature and thus marked for death but I am also chosen by God and thus marked by the cross." Rather, I said, "'Cos it's Ash Wednesday..." Tomorrow, I will not hide my light under a bushel. (Well, all right. I probably will. But I am making this Lent about hope and joy.

The chaplain had this to say about Lent: Lent is about learning to view the world through God's eyes. God looks at the whole world with love, and Lent is learning to look at the world the same way. I think this is another way of saying that Lent is about finding the gleeeee! in the everyday.

I'm wicked excited about this Lent.
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