theatre majors have all the fun

Aug 31, 2004 16:23

This has been a most unappetizing day. For one thing, I think I was mistaken for a freshman. A freshman. On the second day of my senior year. Ye gods. So I was eating lunch alone. Just because I have made no friends in three years doesn't mean I'm frosh.

Which brings us to observation number 2: I have no friends. Well, I do, but I can count them on the fingers of one hand. I've waved to a bunch of people, mostly PEGs, a couple of math tutors, and that's it.

On the other hand, all my professors love me and I love them. However, you can't eat lunch with a professor. But they will give you A's. I had drama this afternoon with the drama professor of all goodness. (Shakespeare prof from last semester who called my final presentation "stunning".) She was happy to see me. She was happy to see everyone, but she did say she was happy to see me, specifically. And I remembered how Aristotle of all suckiness defined dramatic unity.

And yay, finally called PEG, will get stuff from storage tomorrow!

Plans for the evening: borrow a copy of Agamemnon to read by Thursday, as my drama book hasn't arrived yet. Pizza with the math tutors over at Rose Terrace, can't be beat (except by you know, any other social event ever). Studying, reading, trying to make some sense of the Women's Studies text. Probably over at Z's again. Figure out if Z's roommate wants to share uber-expensive Medical Ethics text. Sleep. Repeat.

NB: tomorrow is Charter Day. You cannot miss it!

sooper-sekrit shout-out to sage_theory: I'm sorry you weren't actually on AIM earlier; I tried to IM you. Looking forward to talking to you soon. Miss you!
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