(no subject)

Aug 31, 2004 12:19

Still in the library: downstairs, with the periodicals and the multimedia. Someday, I'm going to have to take advantage of all the stuff down here. It's so sexy and mildewy old-book-y.

But anyhow, I still need to get over to storage: my room is starting to look like mine by virtue of having stuff strewn EVERYwhere, but it's still nowhere near cool enough, and it still has no computer. The sadness, oh, the sadness.

Class this morning was Medical and Health Care Ethics. 90% of the class are (is?) Health Care Administration majors. I'm the only phil. major. It's going to be an interesting class. I like the teacher though; she seems super nice.

I am getting so sick of people asking me where I'm from. It's like, the question to ask for college students. Major? Year? Hometown? And of course I don't have a hometown anymore, so I play it like a joke, "I was born in Massachusetts, moved to NJ when I was eight; my family moved back to MA after my freshman year of college and now my dad is in MA, my mom is NY, and I spent the summer in Ohio and Kansas, and now I'm at school here."

One of the PEG staff who came to pick me up at the airport had the gall to respond to that with, "So where are you living now?"

To which I replied, "I'm about to move into Hilltop 110."

My stuff is living in five states, my family in two, my girlfriend in one very far away state...


I feel like Buffy in S6. This summer was absolutely fabulous, you know, and I had no responsibilities, and I was going to a church I liked, and best of all I had super-lots-of-girlfriend-time, and now I'm suddenly here where there are so many people and so many things to do and I'm all flooded and... is this hell? You know? Is this hell, right here? The thing is I'm not even all that sad... I'm just overwhelmed. Not despairing. I'm sort of numb, in shock, like... well, I just got expelled from heaven and am back on earth now and have no idea what to do.

I'd probably better go to lunch and see if I encounter the girl I'm hoping will give me a ride to storage. If I'm lucky, I can get there and back before my next class, which is in 2 hours.

buffy is like life, exile

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