customer service:

Feb 18, 2004 01:41


Just called Dell customer service about the strange sounds my computer has been making. Oh. God. So not worth it. Well, probably is, as peace of mind is worth somewhat of a lot, but my technician kept me on the phone for two hours and we finally figured out my problem was with my power supply fan.

What I knew when I called, from father: Problem was with fan.
What I learned: That it's called the power supply fan, and that its box is made of tin.

Then got transferred to very nice, very competent representative who recommended that I buy compressed air and email him to let him know how it goes.

My goal in life is to be the competent customer service representative.

I did outline my presentation for tomorrow, but I haven't actually typed it. The Competent Customer Service Agent (who is rapidly on his way to becoming my new crush, what with capital letters and a special LJ-only nickname and more mentions per capita than my parents get on a good day) says it should be safe to use my computer. So I can type the handout for the presentation and then go sleep.

There are no sci-fi guest stars of the day today, because I slept through tS. Apologies to everyone who's day is only made complete by bashing their head against the wall in outrage at the tiny casting pool that exists in British Columbia.

My brain is read to implode. I am, however, back on speaking terms with the person living in my room, as I told her all about my adventures in customer service (minus the bit about how I was ready to have phone sex with the Competent Customer Service Agent, given his incredibly sexy attributes, i.e., Competence.)

Before spring break, I have:
-2 oral presentations
-2 midterms
-3 shortish essays
-2 journals
-1 short story to be written
-2 plays to be read.

Should also discuss plans for next semester with my women-in-phil professor, Mme (chair of the women's studies department and the backup unsexy French professor) and possibly the pretty English professor. If I manage to get Mme to let me Direct Inquiry intro Feminism and if she waives me into Contemporary feminisms, I've have a Women's Studies minor!

Better. Good. "B" is an important letter.

Right. This computer is so not healthy. I hope the Competent Customer Service Agent is right, and it's just dust.

plans for the future, della, to-do lists

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