meme, survey

Feb 16, 2004 22:01

*resist resist resist.... altered meme:*


*incapable of resisting*

Guess who got nominated to be a class marshall?

Guess who's seriously considering turning down the honor because she'd rather spend an extra three days with her girlfriend?

Hung out with Z tonight, bitched about person living in room, came up with amusing plans to maim and kill.

One quick survey, then homework time, I swear: From frahulettaes

Slept in your bed: me
Saw you cry: Technically probably Z & Rox, but they studiously avoided watching, so gvambat
Made you cry: person living in room
Spent the night at your house: Gvambat
You went to the movies with: Meganpesron
You went to the mall with: My mother
Yelled at you: Gvambat, in the "DO NOT PANIC!" sort of way.
Sent you an e-mail: Dan
You kissed:


Said "I love you" and meant it?: Of course.
Gotten in a fight w/your dog/cat/bird/fish,etc.: No. Unless you count Fish.
Been to New York?: My mom lives there. So yeah. Have also been to the City on a few occasions.
Been to Florida?: Nope.
California?: ....yes....
Hawaii?: Nope.
Mexico?: Nope.
China?: Nope
Canada?: For Girl Scout/Guide camp
Danced naked?: Nope.
Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: Substitute "next day" for "several months later"? Yeah, kinda. :p
Wish you were the opposite sex?: Yes, in passing. I wish I were a gayboi, sometimes. I'd be such a wonderful effeminate man.
Had an imaginary friend?: Rachel Elizabeth Higgins, her parents, her brother Charlie, and her siblings, who came in abnormally large sets of multiple births. Cherry, Berry, Merry, and Jen, Jennifer, Jenny, Jena... And their dog Poppy, who was not so much imaginary as a tree trunk imagined animate.

RANDOM: [cause the above wasn't?]

Red or blue?: Blue
Spring or fall?: Fall
Are you bored?: No.
Last noise you heard?: Keyboard
Last time you went out of the state/province: Christmas break
Things you like in a guy girl?: Prettiness, sweetness, intelligence, insanity, roommateishness
Do you have a crush on someone?: ::grin
What book are you reading now?: Complete Sherlock Holmes, should also be reading Much Ado About Nothing
Worst feeling in the world: three AM
What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: Is it really worth getting up three hours early to watch Jim and Blair flirt with each other? ... yeah, probably.
How many rings before you answer?: One.
Future daughter's name:
Future son's name:
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Nope.
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?: Continuity checker. :D
Are you a lefty, righty or beambidextrous?: Rightie, but mouse leftie.
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Yes.
What's under your bed?: A bunch of garbage, mostly.
Siblings: Brat.
Location: VA
College plans: Survive another year and a half.


Do you do drugs?: Nope.
Do you drink: Nope.
Who is your best friend?: Gvambat
What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use?: Er, something with a V in it? It's green and smells pretty.
What are you most scared of?: People I love dying.
What clothes do you sleep in?: Sweatshirt from the girl and purple pants
Who is the last person who called you?: My parents, I think.
Who do you really hate?: At the moment, plir.
Favorite number: 3
Been In Love?: Yes!
Are You Timely Or Always Late: On time. OCD, slightly.
Do You Have A Job: I tutor.
Do You Like Being Around People: Not really. Just one person.
Best feeling in the world: SQUEE!
Are you for world peace: As an ideal? Sure.


Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: *guffaws* Let's see if the following names ring any bells: Jeane. Sean's mommy. Miss R. Crazy lady with the red hair. Ministerpeople. Cynthia.
Have You Ever Cried Over Someone of The Opposite Same Sex: Yes.
Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: My best friends?
Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: Nope.
Ever Liked a close Guy/Girl Friend: Or these names: Mysterious male creature. Pomegranate Eyeliner. Sumita. Gvambat.
Are You Lonely Right Now: Yes
Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: It's looking more hopeful every day, isn't it?
Do You Want To Get Married: Don't know.
Do You Want Kids: Nope.


Room In house: Don't own a house.
Type(s) of music: Folk, classical
Song: "I'll Keep Your Secrets" by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.
Memory: Thanksgiving break
Day Of The Week: Phone call.
Color: purple
Perfume Or Cologne: the scent of coffee in the morning. :D
Month: November
Season: Autumn


Cried: Came close
Bought Something: Nope.
Gotten Sick: Nope.
Sang: Yes. Off-key, of course
Said I Love You: Yes.
Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: Yes. And I did.
Met Someone New: Nope.
Moved On: Nope.
Talked To Someone: Yes.
Had A Serious Talk: Sort of. Serious for me. Managed to tell Z about plir-issues, which was brave for me. And hey, talked to plir about queerness, which was a) all her fault and b) not frelling fun.
Missed Someone: Yeah.
Hugged Someone: Yeah. D left, hugged goodbye.
Kissed Someone: Nope.
Fought With Your Parents: No.
Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: Dreamt about Trance. Does that count?
Had a lot of sleep: Yes. Got 12 hours last night.

Must go read Much Ado and try not to freak out about computer making odd, scary sounds...
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