My originally assigned Yuletide author was
lakestar. Thank you! My four Treats were all written by people I know: thank you so much,
tornyourdress and
mjules! (I suppose I don't actually know mjules, but Elizabeth talks about hir so much that it feels like I do).
For Secret Slasha, I received
Unto the Breach, a Jenny/Joyce fic, from
dolores. Thanks, Dolores!
I have just reposted, back-dated, all the fic I wrote for those two exchanges. Here's the what (all links are to posts in my LJ):
Foggy Evenings We Have Known for
quesera_fics. Tamora Pierce's Circle of Magic universe, Briar and Tris gen. G.
Warmth Out of the Cold for
thatfangirl. Roald Dahl's Matilda. Matilda/Miss Honey girlslash. PG-13.
What Bisexuals Do In Bed for
escritoireazul. Ann M. Martin's BSC universe, Abby/Dawn girlslash. PG-13.
Secret Slasha
Monster Parade for
pesha. Angelus/Oz boyslash. NC-17.
Amazing Grace for
dariclone. Nina/Tara girlslash. R.
So! There was no guessing game for Secret Slasha because stories went up later than usual. In the Yuletide
guessing game, the only guess made was absolutely correct, and I'm kinda surprised that more people than
mayhap didn't identify that the tooth-rottingly sweet mother/daughter semi-incestuous OTPfic with the Dar title was mine. Mayhap, no promises, but if you want to make a request for fic in the Yuletide fandom of your choosing, be my guest!
prettylightsfic is up
here. I requested Claudia/Ben wingfic, and I received
The Bells, and After, which is Claudia/Ben wingfic! Claudia! And Ben! WITH WINGS. It is exactly what I wanted.
I'll toss up a
guessing game post for Pretty Lights in a minute. ETA: Done! /ETA
So now we're just waiting on
3_ships! I'm excited. Are you excited?
I saw nice!manager this morning. This is also pretty exciting. And in no way whatsover relates to any of the fics I wrote for Yuletide, especially the Really Obvious one.