In case you've not heard already (from the ACLU):
Decisive House and Senate votes on the future of the Patriot Act are right around the corner. For nearly four years now, our government has claimed the kind of unchecked power and lack of due process that challenge our most fundamental principles of freedom and democracy. The next weeks of final debate and votes will be the culmination of years of work by the ACLU, its members and freedom-loving Americans of every political stripe.
I am [posting] today because it is crucial that Congress hear from everyone across America who cares about preserving our freedoms. If there was ever a moment to speak out for Patriot Act reform, it is now.
Even though the Bush Administration and some leaders in Congress are pushing to reauthorize the Patriot Act without sufficient review and debate, there are many Democratic and Republican members of Congress, and liberal and conservative opinion leaders, who continue to speak out against the most extreme provisions of the Patriot Act.
Join me and the ACLU in standing up for freedom, and help us send a message to Washington that reforms to the Patriot Act are vital to keeping America both safe and free. Please add your name to this petition telling Congress we want reform on the Patriot Act. It will only take you 60 seconds: