The problems of a classical education

Nov 25, 2009 00:00

I am writing the worship for next Sunday, the first Sunday of Advent. So far, this has involved me belting out Christmas songs, muttering, and picking mostly Advent, because November is just too soon for Little Town of Bethlehem. But then we got to the writing bits. And sure, I can go use liturgical resources other people have made. But I like writing prayers and so on as long as I don't have to do it too often. It's all good until I get to the Sending Forth. Which, technically, I could just leave up to the pastor. But what I want to write is:

L: The shepherds feared the angels at first, but then went out rejoicing.
P: Change is inevitable, but we have nothing to fear.
L: The Sun King dies and is reborn!
P: Rejoice! The world dies, and is reborn, and we are reborn with it.

Um. Yeah. Not...really.....umChristian.

I think we are supposed to pretend harder that we won that culture battle.

christmas, church, faith

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