On the one hand, yay, earning a paycheck!
On the other hand, it is THWARTFUL.
Came into work, sat down. Read my email.
There was a request for the SNMP OIDs that I added to the documentation, then had to revise, because we cannot coordinate anything. Whatever. I print out the one relevant page and email it off.
I read the rest of my email.
I get email back about the SNMP stuff -- the dev likes it. How nice. No, seriously. I really like it when devs feel like I am presenting their stuff well.
Boss points out a way I could make said table more efficient.
Work on making table more efficient. Realize in the course of doing so that somehow the table has reverted to an earlier version. Get a creepy feeling. Cannot figure out when reversion happened, or what else I lost.
Dev says that he's been thinking, and it's SO great, we should be doing it with all our supported statistics, not just the application statistics.
As 3 weeks earlier, I had sent out an email pleading for people to tell me what the supports stats are, I can only agree, and ask that he give them to me. This is still in process.
So now I can't work on production for either admin guide, because they both have this information in them. And I can't work on any of the release notes until Monday, because if we slip by a week, we try to fix more bugs. Of the 12 (or so) docs I need to have ready to go Monday, this is 5 of them, and 2 of them were already finished. Did I mention how very much I hate production?
Ok, fine then, switching tracks to the next emergency, Email Security on UTM, which is like but unlike Email Security.
Add all the stuff about junk boxes, but I can't do anything else about how it works until I can actually use it.
Attempt to license test box.
Attempt to license test box.
Call other tech writer in S'vale, walk through the process of downloading a new build.
Attempt to license test box.
Write other tech writer, send her to get answers for me.
Start doing production on other documents, that will HOPEFULLY not change between now and release.
Decide I may now have internet back. Because production involves 35-60 seconds of waiting at rapid intervals.
Oh, look, it's lunchtime. Too bad I have failed yet again at feeding myself.
Write whiny lj post.
Sometimes I feel like I have too many processes running, too many open threads. I have those three tasks, each of which I am differently blocked on. I have "create documentation home page on sharepoint" which I was blocked on yesterday, and which I don't really care about, but matters to my boss. I have "create antispam desktop docs". I have "clean up reddot submission request". And that's just at work.
At home I have open processes for:
* finish laundry
* do dishes
* vacuum living room
* Baz's costume
* clothe children for Easter
* Easter dinner
* clean bedroom
* clean sewing room
* take out serger
* clean bathrooms
* make schedule for week leading up to skating meet
* make cookies for skating meet
* buy button for gift hat