My birthday and Christmas presents were combined into a big shopping trip with my mom. We waited until I was back in underwires, because it would be discouragaing to buy clothes for the wrong configuration.
She picked me up a bit before noon and we were off to the wilds of Bellevue Square, which is prime shopping territory for us.
First up was JC Penneys, which, by virtue of OMG sales, was a big hit. We probably tried on 10 things apiece, and ended up getting two -- a halter vest in pinstripes, and a pleated knee length skirt in satin and lace. I also thought very hard about a nice wool winter jacket, double-breasted and very fitted. But that would have taken most of the budget. We travelled on. I do think the skirt has potential as part of a steampunk costume.
We tried several other stores, including Nordstrom, but didn't really get wowed by much of anything. Although the woman at the L'Occitane store did say I am not the only person disappointed by the reformulation of the Ambre cologne, and she thinks the old version may come back. Which is nice. We also visited the Oil and Vinegar store (mom was impressed, and coveted a plate) and Illuminations, and some other random useless stores.
More directed, we headed off to Coldwater Creek, a perennial favorite. I tried on a bunch of things, and ended up being surprised by the things I did end up getting: a periwinkle vest and a black swing jacket, with, mom says, "buttons the size of dinner plates". She exagerates. They are only three inches across. And it has 3/4 sleeves. I continue to grumble that jackets with 3/4 sleeves require elbow-length gloves, but what do I know?
Then, given that it's not my money, we went to The Territory Ahead, which has the most knitterly sweaters, only "powder-washed". So they're intensely dyed in the (cotton) yarn, and then sort of weathered. I have been coveting these sweaters for a couple years. I got one, with a pretty cable-and caught round yoke. Also
this vest.
By Macy's we were tired and thirsty. We found some nice fitted oxfords, but they weren't astonishingly good.
Then we went to Lane Bryant, which we felt cynical about. Usually it's been no good. However, they have obviously made an effort at becoming less um, ho-tastic. The wrap-around dress was a total loss, but I got a GREAT denim jacket and (eeee!) bras! on sale! Indeed, going up a band size is possible, and then I'm only a 40DDD. Which is a size that LB carries a ton of. Enough that there were on sale, for less than $20. And the second half-off. So I got a highly-structured but wireless bra in beige (important), and one in crimson with black figuring, because I COULD. And then we came home. I wished I'd had money, though, because it's 5/$15 for panties, and there was a pair that was red and cobalt stripes!