Breast updates

Dec 19, 2008 14:12

I haven't had any painkiller today. I got up, went to work in my jammies, puttered around.

It wasn't until after I was a little ouchie re-doing my dressings after a shower that I realized it was 13 hours since I'd had any painkillers. Wow. I really am healing, and the bus really is doing me in.

I went to the surgeon on Wednesday, because I was a little worried by a sudden increase in drainage. He checked it out, stuck a q-tip in to make sure it wasn't a deep hole (nope, but it was not a NUMB spot). Then we spent some time talking about my healing (great). He explained that the skin between my incision and my torso was still swollen, which answered my curiosity about why that incision is so far out. He tested sensation. He even (this was awesome) got out some bad-ass pointy tweezers and plucked off all the scabby surgical glue. I look so much better, you don't even know. Because now instead of dark, bumpy, month-old scabs, I have new pinky red plastic-surgeon scars. Way less dramatic. Oh, and he drew me a little picture that explained to my satisfaction why the top of my breasts have been hurting so much.

The really impressive thing to me was that I called at 9 or so, and it was his day in the hand clinic. I expected to get in to see a nurse who would verify that I was not going to die of gangrene of the tit. Instead I got 20 minutes with the surgeon. That's great customer service.

I feel so much better about this now that I don't look as frankensteiny.


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