yay, new tv!

Sep 26, 2007 11:45

One of the interesting effects of having a DVR/tivo-like thing is that the summers are paradoxically longer. See, I would never have time to watch shows live, on the nights they are actually on, but I do store them up and get to them, decently and in good order. Which means that when they are running sumer repeats, I've already seen it all, except in the rare case of power outage.

Which means I am happeeee! when it's new-tv time.

Last night, sil and I watched NCIS. Even though we started late in the evening. I didn't even knit. We lay on the floor and cuddled and watched it. And it was RIVETING. OMG. So much makes sense now! It was a denoument almost equal to the skull-fuckery of Numbers last season. Oh! Oh! Tony! And the Director! And Gibbs, who is actually Sam Spade, with the self-contained and bitter irony. And Tony! Who I thought was being an idiot, but no!

Also, cameo by Abby's farting hippopotamus toy. And the extra-tall black boots with the red trim. Not one of the Abby-riffic episodes, though.

Also also, who here things that Ziva's costuming choices may indicate some kind of shift in the actress's life? Yes, I could look that up, but I prefer to speculate. Maybe she's just a fashion victim. "I WAS MAULED BY A SMOCK/BANDEAU THING".

Shows I record and watch:
CSI: Miami (truly, the Shatner of our generation)
New this season: Moonlight

I watch crime dramas because I find them soothing, for the most part. Bad people do bad things. Then there is soap opera on the team. Then we find out who did the bad thing, using the power of our MINDS, and ta-da! The world is safe for another week. House falls into this category, only substitute Bad Germs for Bad People. I love Cold Case, but cannot watch it, because too many of the victims are children.


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