Nov 17, 2004 21:44
I found out today I enjoy being stubborn. Really stubborn. Stubborn to a point where even though you know you make valid points on a subject, the majority of the evidence leans to one side. When I just can't accept a side of a subject because of what I have found for evidence and what I've been shown, it's hard to assimilate the two different things and eventually accept the other side. I guess it also makes me violent. Well, I suppose that's only when I'm being interupted. I hate that.
Another thing I discovered is how much I hate complaining to other people about someone else. I use to do it when I was in a bad mood over something (like most people) and it would feel good to do so because you'd feel like the person you were complaining to completely understood your side of the situation and that they completely agreed with you. Now when I complain (maybe it's because I'm using the world "complain" instead of...vent? let off steam?) it feels like I'm bugging the hell out of whoever I'm talking to. Even on here it feels like I'm placing a burden on whoever reads this thing.
Anyway, this week has gone by fast and I'm glad it has. Weekend means more time to spend with Desi and more big Halo parties. I'm going to shoot the teacher(s) who give me homework for the weekend. I need my "therapy group" to unleash pent up feelings. I know - me actually keeping things bottled up? That's impossible! I yell and get mad and send people on guilt trips. I'd hate to see him add on what get's built up!
Also it's amazing how much less of a beating I get when I actually practice before having my trumpet lesson. It goes smoothly and I don't want to hang myself afterwards. That's always a good thing.
Time to go read. Everyone should be reading at LEAST one book at all times. Those of you who don't (Desi) need to. I yell at those people (not Desi) who complain about having to read a book or can't read anything over 200 pages. YOU SAY THAT BECAUSE YOU ARE ILLITERATE AND INCOMPETENT!! <-- That's more directed at about 2-3 people in my AP English class. I mean come on! You're in AP! What the hell do you expect?