Mar 20, 2011 15:04

My writerbrain needs a jumpstart. So I'm doing that thing I sometimes do where I open myself for ficlet prompts and do my darndest to actually fill them all. Comment with a request and I'll comment back with fic.

First five prompts will get filled. I'll edit this post if I'm taking more beyond that. For a request, please give me a character/pairing and a prompt of some sort. Crossovers welcome.

Fandoms I'm Interested in Writing
Sekirei - new fandom squee! I need to make a pimping post for this, 'cause this is a fun series (anime and manga) that most people don't seem to know about. Probably because it's a harem anime. But it's a good harem anime.
Doctor Who - Eleventh Doctor era, specifically.
Final Fantasy XIII
Kingdom Hearts
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Star Trek - TNG or Voyager. Don't know enough DS9 canon, not interested in writing for original series or reboot.

...yeah, I know, a lot of you know nothing about any of these. If you're really interested in something else, ask me.

fic!, interactive, meme, writing

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