Craft show: The only sale I made was to
nevacaruso, who offered to come along and help set up. So I got hang-out-tiemz with a friend. And did some crafting. And set up a pretty booth. And, well, that was otherwise a bust.
NaNo: So with everything else going on this week, I fell majorly behind with NaNo. I had written about 500 words of prologue/first scene in the early morning of November 1st--which made me happy, as I had no idea how I was going to begin this darned thing--but hadn't had any time or spoons to work on it until today. And in the past few hours, I popped out over 3,000 words. So, hey, not exactly caught up, but a lot less behind than I was.
Current word count: 3,839. Out of 8,335, which is the word count I'd have if I was doing an even 1,667 per day. So...not as bad as I was doing earlier today. :)
Especially given that most of the day was fired due to major depression flare-up. Stupid brain.