Nov 04, 2010 10:06
Bichons are RIDICULOUS when they are getting their play on.
Especially on a smooth hardwood floor.
Especially if they are somewhat damp.
It fell to me to walk the housemate's dog this morning, and it was raining, so I ambushed him with the Evil Towel of DOOOOM when he came in. It went something like this:
Me: *cover him in towel, rub*
Celefin: *stock-still for a moment*
OMG TOWEL! *flip*
EXCITEMENT! *run under coffee table to DANCE IN A CIRCLE*
*jump onto couch to DANCE IN A CIRCLE*
*run into the uncarpeted dining room to DA-SKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID*
*skitter skitter skitter galumph JUMP*
Rinse and repeat.
We are both now in high spirits. He is off to wash his butt, and I am off to prep for craft show.