God, I've been waiting for ages to have the timenergy to code and upload these fics so I can use this icon!
Recent fics have been polished and archived:
Blue and Flowers (Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, spoilers, Jadeite/Naru, wistful; also with an
The Exquisite Line (Coldfire Trilogy, no spoilers, Gerald/Damien, tortured)
Fuzzy (Doctor Who, no spoilers, Jack/Rose, sensual)
All porn too, [in]appropriately enough! Mwahahahaha! Ph34r the pr0n-k1tt3n!
And a startlingly large dose of het. Hmm.
Aaaat any rate. Off to get dressed and partay. Whee!
Oh, and, Doctor!Scarf Meter:
493 / 1,046
Getting near the halfway point! ^.^