...by post-LARP sleepover. (Me,
mllelaurel, and
nevacaruso. So me, Utena, Miki, and the two GMs.) And, I must say, post-LARP sleepovers are FOR THE WINZ. Particularly with people highly involved in the production...kinda like one long extended wrap, only with pizza, and chinese food, and toplessness, and shameless fangirling of fellow LARPers, and fic-induced snogging, and breaks for Doctor Who geeking, as we were four out of five on active Who fen. (Natural state of Who fangirls at a sleepover: lying about on the bed wiggling slightly and saying "Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack.")
Srsly though. I wish somebody could've snapped a picture of the five of us passed out in a puppy pile curled around the pizza boxes. LARPers go *thud*! And then nobody bothered to go home for twenty-four hours. Phwee!
The next evening, after peeps started wending home, my rather LARP, fanning, and sleeplessness addled brain turned to me and said, "Jack/Mikage/Ianto/Miki/stopwatch?"
To which I said, "down, girl!"
To which it said, "here, have a mostly intact bunny for a plotty and sensical Torchwood/post-Ohtori-Utena crossover."
To which I said, "oy, I have to go to sleep now."
Ohhhh, I have not spent a day or two being a hapless squeeing fangirl for a while now. Felt gooooood! Also, have promised to endeavor to write the sequel to the Jack/Rose telepathic smut for a bit back...time to include the Doctor. Hrm!
And, of course, the usual way, after a sleepover, that two days merge into one. My internal clock thinks it's Sunday right now, and is feeling very gypped. But time to go off to work and be a municipal orrery. Phweflkjlskjdflllpaarrrrrrrrr.