Theme: Real Madrid Animated Mood Theme
Amount: 132 moods
Rules: No need to credit, just comment if you're taking. Feedback and love is always nice :)
Real Madrid Animated Mood Theme
Hey all, this is my first ever mood theme so I hope you all like it. There are 132 moods in the zip and all of them are unique - there are no duplicates for similar moods.
If you have any questions about installing the mood etc then feel free to ask and I'll see if I can help.
Downloads & Instructions
Mediafire | 132 moods | 1 code template | 28.5mb
1. Download and unzip the file
2. Upload all mood icons to your server. Use a host such as Photobucket where they can all be uploaded together in their own folder.
With the code open in Notepad, go to Edit > Replace (CTRL + H)
Find what: Replace with: the place you uploaded your pictures
eg. Don't include the ending file name ('mood.gif')
Leave it at the folder the images are uploaded to. Replace all.
Leave notepad open, we'll need it again in a minute.
If you have a basic account, temporarily switch to a plus account while installing the mood theme, and switch back to basic after. You can still use your moodtheme on a basic account once it's installed.
Now go to the
Admin Console.
Copy and paste this line into the box: moodtheme_create "Name" "Description"
Fill in the name and description of your theme and click execute.
Now see the mood theme ID given to you? (the number in green) Copy that... and go back to notepad.
Go to Edit > Replace again, type "123456" into 'Find what:' and 'Replace with:' your new number.
Now, copy the entire notepad code into the admin console box and click execute. Finished!
Go to
Display and use your new theme
Rules & Credit
I'm not too concerned about crediting. Just leave a comment if you're taking. Feedback and love is always nice :) Enjoy!