(no subject)

Jul 02, 2009 23:39

After months of anticipation, we finally saw Food, Inc. tonight. Go. See. It. (happily, Jon Stewart interviewed the film's director tonight)


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Roger Ebert's non-review

Kristof's op-ed

I have loads and loads of links from all kinds of blogs, but I'll stick to these two for now. I find it telling that every major corporation mentioned in the film declined to be interviewed for the film, but they all made sure to throw up websites to refute all of the film's claims. Ahahaha. Haha. Ahem.

It was even better than I expected in some ways, but too short to address all the issues - the main thing that was missing, imo, was an actual overview of "organic," namely the difference between the government definition of "organic" (which sucks and is barely that), and true organic. Which basically boils down to the difference between industrial organic and true organic. Two very different animals.

The production values were so much higher than I was expecting, and overall it was well-organized and carefully crafted. Readers of Michael Pollan and others like him, will already be familiar with most of the serious (and often horrifying) issues described in the film involving the food we eat every day, but the film is really for anyone who cares - for anyone who has even the slightest interest in what they eat, how it's produced, and where it comes from.

food, film

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