Film: Man on Wire

May 16, 2009 23:20

Tonight, we watched an amazing film - Man on Wire, a documentary of how a small band of French, American and Australian people worked to enable Frenchman Philippe Petit, wire walker extraordinaire, to walk a cable between the North & South towers of the World Trade Center in 1974. It was, of course, illegal, so the film illustrates the years of dreaming and months of planning, preparation and reconnaissance that went into the execution of Petit's amazing walk. Was it crazy? To walk that wire, without any net, without any safety cable - to walk that wire, 410 meters up - sure, it was crazy. But it was also amazing and wonderful. I truly believe that we need visionaries, dreamers like Petit, to remind us what incredible things we can do. People who will do insane and wonderful things just to prove they can be done, for no better reason than the joy of it. It was a lovely film. I highly recommend it.

"To me it's really so simple that life should be lived on the edge of life - you have to exercise rebellion. To refuse to tape yourself to rules, to refuse your own success, to refuse to repeat yourself, to see every day, every year, every idea as a true challenge - and then you are going to live your life on a tightrope." - Philippe Petit

Philippe Petit walks a cable at Notre Dame in Paris

Notre Dame

Notre Dame

Sydney, Australia

Sydney Harbor Bridge

Sydney Harbor Bridge

Sydney Harbor Bridge

Sydney Harbor Bridge

Sydney Harbor Bridge

Sydney Harbor Bridge

World Trade Center Twin Towers

World Trade Center Twin Towers

World Trade Center Twin Towers

film, picspam: film

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