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winterspel October 7 2008, 14:31:54 UTC
*dies* I think you may be onto something there! He's probably not as perfectly beautifully good-looking as Jaime should be, what with Simon's lovely squinty eyes and weathered skin, but that's only because he's aging so delightfully, just like I hope Jaime gets the chance to age (DO YOU HEAR THAT GRRM???) but you're absolutely spot-on with the curls and the smirks and the angsting-gifts. As an actor he does amazing things with his face and with his eyes, where in a second he can shift into something troubled, or he can twinkle beautifully, or out-grin the grinniest, or be utterly, perfectly devastated. And he does a marvelous blank-face to hide all his conflicted emotions, just like Jaime often does (SB employed that blank face so often throughout The Guardian years that the rare times he smiled would almost blind me!).


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winterspel October 7 2008, 20:45:19 UTC
You're right, actually - Jaime's been through quite a bit of horror and stress, so his youthful beauty definitely would have faded somewhat (not to mention that soldiers don't get to have dewy complexions, now do they?)

I want a DVD of The Guardian, too!


baleanoptera October 7 2008, 14:48:57 UTC
fantasy-casting Simon Baker as Jaime Lannister

Just chiming in to say: I support this! In fact I bloody well adore it. Hee.

Also I love that my entire flist has gone Simon Baker mad.


winterspel October 7 2008, 20:40:11 UTC
Also I love that my entire flist has gone Simon Baker mad.

I can't tell you how much I regret that I didn't have a DVR when The Guardian was airing - while I recorded it on videotape, I've tossed most of those tapes in anticipation of a DVD which hasn't yet materialized. And I'm thankful that The Mentalist is much more likable than Smith (a huge plus that there is no Ray Liotta).


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