The things I do....

Oct 07, 2008 09:28

Last night, I sat through the first episode of Smith, an absurd canceled 2006 CBS crime drama about a gang of high-end thieves of the let's-break-into-an-art-museum-and-steal-some-Rembrandts-during-rush-hour variety. The things I do for Simon Baker! *weeps*

Yes, I said *weeps*, because while the show had a teeny-tiny smidge of potential, sitting through Ray Liotta's face made me want to claw my eyeballs out and Simon Baker's cheeky, trigger-happy (aka murderous), womanizing character of Jeff Breen just couldn't compensate enough. I did like Jonny Lee Miller, however. :)

Here be a few screencaps of Simon Baker, so you don't have to suffer through Ray Liotta, too. *shudders*

I think Simon Baker has nice eyes.

picspam, simon baker, jaime lannister, tv, asoiaf

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