(no subject)

Aug 03, 2007 15:42

I've been absent for a while on a mental non-holiday, which always means that things pile up when I come limping back. A lot has happened this week. This entry is only going to touch on a very few things.

oo1. As some of you have probably (hopefully) heard by now, Very Bad Things Have Been Happening in Jena, Louisiana. I learned of this abominable situation earlier this week - and like others, I can't help wondering why this hasn't been splashed across major media outlets for weeks (if not months) - I suppose it's not glamorous enough to report about real injustice that is happening to six teenagers right now. And...yes, you can help. Please consider this, as it's at least as important as fandom. If nothing else, I hope it puts fandom into perspective!


oo2. I've been wanting to say this for awhile, but considering the new movement to abandon LJ, maybe it's not necessary. I just want to declare Removal Amnesty. Every day is a removal amnesty day, as I harbor no ill feelings should anyone choose to remove me from their friends list, but I just wanted to bring this up. Again. Really, truly, there are no hard feelings at all. If you're fed up with my blather (or with me), feel free to remove me. And if for any reason you're wondering why I haven't added you, it's because you haven't introduced yourself! :) It's as easy as that. (I'm just pointing these things out to avoid any possible hurt feelings or confusion)


oo3. Speaking of fandom migration from LJ which has come up once more...I'm not leaving LJ. I will continue to crosspost to GJ for koalathebear who is Great Firewall of China-handicapped, but that is all. If you're on my friendslist here, feel free to add me at GJ if you want...it might be useful if LJ experiences downtime, but otherwise, I'm not going anywhere. I'll certainly be sad to see people go, if go they must (because I love you guys!), but I honestly don't think it will be any better or different anywhere else. Eventually the issues at hand that have generated the current desire to migrate (blog deletions over fan-content and probably copyright violations, too) will happen again anywhere else, so long as fandom is dependent on non-fandom run infrastructure and servers, etc. In the end, I don't think it will matter whether the servers are U.S.-based or not. No one is immune to corporate/public pressure, the threat of lawsuits over illegal content, etc. Ultimately any company has to cover its own liabilities, so in my opinion, migration to another social networking site is, at best, a temporary solution.

To anyone who does leave (either me or LJ) for whatever reasons: good luck and best wishes. :)

Gosh! This keeps getting longer and longer.

I'm sorry I've been so absent lately: I'm not deliberately ignoring anyone - I've just been dealing with my own things, and I have a busy weekend ahead of me. Hopefully next week I'll be back with more fun fannish posts, some RL updates, and I'll try to catch up with all of you, although if I can squeeze anything in sooner, I will. Have a great weekend, everyone! :D

racism, lj, current events, jena six, unfriending, fandom migration, livejournal removal amnesty

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