Farscape news & birthday wishes

Jul 26, 2007 10:07

I heard about this last week, but at last there is some press on it: Exclusive: Farscape Producer Talks About the Franchise's Future. Apparently something like a dozen webisodes are planned for scifi.com perhaps as early as this coming fall. It's not certain yet if Ben Browder & Claudia Black will participate, but Ben has expressed interest because he still loves the character of John Crichton, and the webisodes may follow D'Argo Crichton and a cast of both old and new characters. I'm definitely interested, particularly if David Kemper (I've never been a Kemper-hater) is involved, and even more especially if Ben Browder becomes involved. The production team has already proved to me that they have a prodigious and unconventional imagination, and I am definitely interested in seeing what new creations the Henson Creature Shop might generate in terms of animatronic characters.

Farscape is still one of my all-time favorite shows - its vast imagination, zany sense of humor, and heart-filled episodes with flawed yet charismatic characters still have their claws in me. Aeryn & John is still one of my all-time favorite OTPs and I can only have high hopes for the webisodes.

*fingers crossed* that they get Ben Browder to come onboard, because as much as I adore Claudia Black and Aeryn Sun, Farscape just wouldn't be Farscape without our favorite crazy astronaut, John Crichton.

Happy Birthday to acchikocchi! I haven't seen you on LJ in so long, so I don't know if you'll see this, but I hope your day is wonderful, and that your coming year is even better. *big hugs* And *hopefully soon* I might just have a little Pin ficlet for you if I can ever finish it...

birthday, farscape

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