Media literacy and Marillion booklet scans

May 30, 2007 14:24

I really like what occupiedneptune wrote today in her post entitled "Media literacy in the blog society." What you won't find: alarmist dialogue. What you WILL find: a respectful poke to educate ourselves first. Everyone should read it. And I agree with what some of you have been saying: protesting (IF it is truly required) with the wallet does wonders.
And now ( Read more... )

lj, picspam, somewhere else promo, marillion

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squintyt4e May 31 2007, 00:48:45 UTC
by Marillion bookelet, exactly what do you mean? This doesn't look like a tourbook, but it doesn't look like the marillionweekend thing what be it?

I don't know if you've reviewed the album yet, but what are your thoughts? I'm still on the fence, moreso than any other Marillion disc. I'm just having a hard time finding tracks that I can sink my teeth into. There are good bits here and there, but....I'm not sure.


winterspel May 31 2007, 04:33:20 UTC
Above the scans I included the link where the scans came from, and if you click it and scroll down, it explains the scans pretty clearly. :)

I probably won't review the new album formally. I like it less than Marbles, and probably about the same as Anoraknophobia - "Somewhere Else" and "Voice from the Past are my 2 favorite tracks (and I'm crazy about them), but when Mark visited recently and we listened to it together a little, my appreciation of the rest went up quite a bit.


squintyt4e May 31 2007, 11:14:42 UTC
The link was so well hidden I didn't see it when I scanned. My bad. Good old Frans - very nice guy with a great weekly radio show.

I think there is probably a correlation between tempo and my inability to get into it. I don't mind the occassional drone but when 3/4 or more of the album is that slow it stirs me only to nod off these days sadly enough. I'd have to right now place it next actually at the bottom of the h list next to dotcom. It doesn't suck, I just am not inside it.


winterspel May 31 2007, 13:45:13 UTC
No, no, don't worry! It's easy to miss such little things, especially when you're tired. I was exhausted when I got home last night so I was being lazy by not reposting that link in my comment.

I think there is probably a correlation between tempo and my inability to get into it.

Probably - that makes perfect sense! I do like it, sometimes quite a lot, sometimes less, but my love for those 2 songs has not waned one bit. :)

It doesn't suck, I just am not inside it.

*grin* We've talked about this concept so many times....and of course I completely understand it. I also understand the disappointment when you WANT something to totally grab you and it doesn't. Be's a band you love, so you may come back to it one day and say "Eureka!" as the light turns on. Until then, you have so much else with which to occupy your ears....

*hugs* I hope you have a nice day! :)


squintyt4e June 9 2007, 00:45:51 UTC
Actually that might be part of it...I wasn't all that excited about it. There was a flood of new stuff and that wasn't one of the ones I was particularly psyched for - that might have a lot to do with it. Then there were some work issues with the record that didn't help either.

It will reveal itself to me one day I'm sure.


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