Media literacy and Marillion booklet scans

May 30, 2007 14:24

I really like what occupiedneptune wrote today in her post entitled "Media literacy in the blog society." What you won't find: alarmist dialogue. What you WILL find: a respectful poke to educate ourselves first. Everyone should read it. And I agree with what some of you have been saying: protesting (IF it is truly required) with the wallet does wonders.

And now something that is much more fun, certainly for me. Scans! Hahaha, this is really only for about three of you who care, and for me who harbors the Unreasonable Love of Most Things Marillion:

Scans are from here. Click each image for 1134x1600 version.


[page 2]

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[page 5]

[page 6]

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[page 9]

[page 10]


Thanks to icajoleu for sending me the link! :)

lj, picspam, somewhere else promo, marillion

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