Bleak House, North & South // Yamapi/Byakkotai icons, pic

Jan 09, 2007 09:53

N and I finished watching (well, in my case, rewatching for the 3rd time) BBC's Bleak House series this weekend. I'm really glad to say that N loved it, maybe even as much as I love it, and that he was genuinely regretful that it was over (our taste in tv is often quite different, so I am always gleeful when we both like the same thing). We'd been watching it during dinner for several nights and it was the perfect accompaniment: one or two half hour episodes each evening. BBC got it right when they produced Bleak House - it was a terrific idea to serialize the drama into short half hour segments that were originally broadcast on consecutive nights twice a week for about six or seven weeks in the fall of 2005. Brilliantly conceived, brilliant executed, I can never say enough good things about the series. It was a stroke of genius to take Dickens' sprawling novel and transform it into a wholly modern creation with stellar acting and beautifully-realized characters, but what truly set it apart for me was its visual conception: modern film techniques make it feel so fresh and dynamic. No long, loving slow steady-cam pans over scenic vistas - rather the direction gives us fast jump shots and hand-held camera action that provide a wonderful sense of momentum and immediacy - a very welcome breath of fresh air in the costume-drama genre.

Oh! And my mother called me last night to tell me that she totally fell in love with North & South (the 2005 BBC miniseries based on Gaskell's novel) that I gave her for her birthday, and even better, that my dad loved it, too. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! (I secretly harbor the wish to change the world through North & South love. What? IT CAN BE DONE! WE CAN ALL LOVE THORNTON TOGETHER.) Anyway, mom tells me that she wants to watch it again immediately, so of course I encouraged her to do so at her earliest convenience. And then I laughed, because isn't that what we all wanted to do? My North & South DVDs lived in my player for weeks after I first saw it. Yes, it was that good. :)

In other news I watched and capped a little bit of Byakkotai last night. A very little bit, I'm sad to say. I'm really quite anxious for the subs for this drama, although I know that I must be patient for them. But patience is hard! Argh. What on earth possessed me to become enamored with television programs in languages I don't understand?! It's not like I don't have enough choice in English, right? But for whatever reason, Japan has charmed me, and I can't resist. :)

In any case, the rest of this post is all about Yamapi. After capping, I found myself with the overwhelming urge to make a new icon for myself because the caps were so!pretty!. Good god, Yamapi is hot in this drama. Anyway, one icon turned into a few, so below the cut are a bare handful, free to share.

[x] Credit is lovely :) ( How to credit an icon) | [x] Comments are very appreciated. | [x] Please don't hotlink | [x] Caps are mine | [x] Enjoy!



And to finish, I am totally in love with this pic posted yesterday in yamapi_daily:

Yum! I wish I could explain why this pic entrances me so. It's not even my favorite Pi look, but the outfits, the pose, the snow...:)

yamashita tomohisa, bbc, my icons, je icons, bleak house, jdorama: byakkotai, nishikido ryo, picspam, uchi hiroki, je 2, north and south, costume drama

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