"The world doesn't end 'cause the Doctor dances"

May 29, 2005 11:16

This was a wonderful episode! It resolved the creepiness of The Empty Child nicely and introduced some lovely character moments for Nancy, The Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack. I didn't think I liked Captain Jack in The Empty Child, because he seemed a bit swarmy, but after this ep, whoa! I adore the omni-sexual Jack, and the lines at the end: "Actually Doctor, I fought Jack might like this dance." "I'm sure he would, Rose. I'm absolutely certain. But who with?" LOL, OMG that was just too funny, and Jack's expression as he watches the Doctor & Rose dancing, and the Doctor looks at Jack after dipping Rose! I'm totally digging the threesome implications, and Jack's very open-minded proclivities. Ahem. Jack's monologue at the end as he prepares to blow up was fantastic, too.

So many great lines in this ep!

D:"I've traveled with a lot of people, but you're setting new records for jeopardy-friendly"

R: "Do you know what I think? I think you're experiencing captain-envy"

R: "You'll find your feet at the end of your legs--you might care to move them."

D: "...he's been defrocked." R: "Yeah? Shame I missed that." J: "Actually, I quit. Nobody takes my frock. Most people notice when they're teleported. You guys are so sweet."

J: "Make yourself comfortable. Carry on with whatever it was you were....doing." D: "We were talking about dancing." J: "Didn't look like talking." R: "Didn't feel like dancing."

I loved Nancy's speech to the children, especially how she reminded them to eat their greens and to chew just before she took off. And her desperation in trying to convince Jenkins to let her go was profound. Her reunion with Jamie at the end (and the reveal of Jamie's identity) so beautiful and touching.

The joyful Doctor was bloody gorgeous--it was so thrilling to see him that happy that finally things turned out well. "Twenty years to pop music!" LOL!

I also loved the subtext with dancing...it was pretty unmistakable what they were implying when the Doctor explains Jack's swinging door of preferences to Rose: "Relax, he's a 51st century guy. He's just a bit more flexible when it comes to dancing....so many species, so little time." So the whole underlying dance theme brings out the emerging ship between Rose and the Doctor quite clearly. And I'm reading now that the Doctor Who Confidential for this episode confirms that the writers have intended for the Doctor to be crazy in love with Rose!!! (sorry, squintyt4e!)

EDIT: Doctor Who Confidential for #10 (which if you haven't seen, you must see; I was laughing through much of it), Stephen Moffat (writer of 10) says: "obviously and quite overtly, really, the subtext of this show is that the Doctor is hopelessly in love with Rose."

*love this show* Shredded that there are only 3 episodes left. And that Chris E will be leaving...I really really love this Doctor. Haven't loved a Doctor like this in bloody years!

And here is a *wonderful* Doctor Who vid by deadflowerss Here is the original link.

doctor who, vids, tv

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