I'd like 2 reams of psychic paper...

May 24, 2005 12:47

...3 sonic screwdrivers and a packet of jelly babies, thanks. Fantastic!

*giggle* Feeling silly...

Here's a very ouchy reviewof Revenge of the Sith.

I find this generalization about science fiction to be annoying:
"Like most science fiction, Revenge of the Sith is a boy's tale through and through."

I find plenty of science fiction to be far more than a boy's tale, thanks. Perhaps Steve Ramos needs to expand his reading/viewing list. Although, (not having seen Sith, so take the whole salt shaker), I don't doubt that he's right about this film.

However..Mr. Ramos goes on to say, "Marketing, merchandising, promotion and publicity fill the gaps left by poor directing, shallow character development and juvenile dialogue." LOL, actually, I really don't think they fill the gaps. Nope, no way, no how. The last two films...while there were things that I liked, there was a lot that I didn't. And I am really sorry that Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones weren't better. I hate feeling let down as a fan.

In other news, I finally watched eps 8 & 9 of Doctor Who last night, and wow, they were both Very Cool. I can't wait to see what happens in part 2 after The Empty Child. Golly, that was a very creepy episode.

Hmm, I like this. Bookending Star Wars with Doctor Who Goodness...to get the taste out of one's mouth.

star wars, doctor who

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