KAT-TUN video & music - A collection of my favorite live performances...[partly updated 2007.06.02]

Jul 15, 2006 02:34

I've been wanting to do a KAT-TUN music post for a while of some of my favorite live performances. This is especially for rindiggfelt, who like me, is new to all this - hopefully this will be useful and/or interesting. :)

NOTE: NONE OF THESE ARE MY RIPS. Some other talented and generous person made every single one. I don't remember where they all came from but I do know that some of them at least are from Johnny's Pretty Boys, where you can visit for lots of other clips. If any of these clips are your rips and you want me to take them down, please let me know.

NOTE 2: Whenever possible, I've uploaded both the video & mp3 file for each performance, and if not the exact same performance, then similar ones. There are some that I don't have the complementary file, so they are solitary...

NOTE 3: Megaupload links are permanent and I'm slowly updating the rest.

NOTE 4: Occasionally I update some of these links with something new/different/better. If a link has died and you really want it, let me know and I'll re-up when I can.

  • Hoshikuzu no Supankouru - SC 2003.10.12 - video on MU | [mp3] - I can't say how much I love this song, and neither can I explain exactly why. It just has a haunting sound for me. I love this performance, and Jin's little cap is too cute. Kame's sigh and expression at the very end also get me.

  • Japanesque Medley - SC 2005.01.15 - video on MU | [mp3 on MU] - This is probably my current favorite which, along with "Hoshikuzu no Supankouru," I listen to way too many times a day. I love this performance beyond words. I love Kame's choreography, love his kimono. The first part of the medley sounds so sensual, and beautiful, and everyone sounds good.

  • SC 2003.11.09 Fight All Night & Love or Like.mpg: video on MU | [Kaizokuban Concert - K-T - Fight All Night.mp3] & [2002 OKy Con KAT-TUN - LOVE or LIKE.mp3] - Both of these songs are fantastic!

  • Bonnie_Butterfly - SC 2004.05.02 - video on MU | [mp3] - an Akame duet, and among the first clips I saw. I LOVE this song, LOVE this performance. It's just cute! And it's one of my all-time favorite Akame duets.

  • Andalucia ni Akogarete, SUMMARY 2004 - video on MU | [mp3] - also among the first performances I ever saw, and still remains one of my all-time favorite perfs. It's a fun, sexy song, and I love the costumes and choreography.

  • Kaizokuban - Never Again.mpg: video on MU | [mp3] - For a long time, this was my favorite KAT-TUN song. That is no longer the case, but live perfs of it are always terrific, and this one is particularly good.

  • Sexy Dance solo & Murasaki: Kaizokuban (Akanishi Jin).avi: video on MU | [mp3] - this is a fabulous song, and a fabulous performance! What's not to love? Besides, Jin looks particularly beautiful throughout the Kaizokuban show.

  • Akanishi Jin & Kamenashi Kazuya - Kokoro Ni Yume Wo Kimi Ni Wa Ai Wo (SC 2004.05.09).mpg: video on MU | [mp3] - A fun, peppy song. It makes me smile - no idea why, really.

  • SC 2004.11.14 KAT-TUN Solitude.mpg: video on MU | [mp3] - This is another one that was among my first KAT-TUN performances, and I am still rather fond of it. The choreography is a bit goofy, but the song is a solid cover (like lots of the earlier perfs). For some reason, the camera following Ueda (in that awesome hat!) and Koki as they walk towards the front of the stage is one of my favorite moments. I love the harmonies. Koki doing pirouette-like spins still cracks me up.

  • Oh-E-Oh! Taiyou no Salsa - SC 2005.02.13 - video on MU | [mp3] - OMG, this was one of the FIRST perfs I ever saw, and I thought I would go blind from the shiny costumes. Of course, I'm used to them now. But then, gosh, the choreography took some getting used to as well - it was the first time I'd seen the acrobatics. Now I'm quite fond of those adorable one-armed cartwheels and backflips. The song is is terrific - bright and sparkly, and Jin shaking his tail at the very end is definitely a highlight. And the fangirls singing so enthusiastially crack me WAY the hell up.

  • Gold (Ballad Version) - SC 2005.02.20 - video on MU | [mp3] - What can I say, I love it - and not just for Jin's impossibly high notes toward the end of the ballad part. I also love when they kick it up. I'm afraid the mp3 cuts off at that part, but the video shows the full song.

  • Sexy Medley - Minna no Terebi 2005.06.08 - video on MU - I love this performance partly because they get to wear normal clothes (no fur and feathers, yay!), and that goes a long way toward mitigating the fact that Jin (and the others) are off-key most of the time. It's an enthusiastic perf, and I love the Junno/Jin tap dance, and that Jin forgets his line.

  • Care and PRECIOUS ONE, Akanishi Jin and KAT-TUN - SC - 2005.06.19] - video on MU | [Precious One.mp3] & [SC 2005.06.19 Jin - Care.mp3] - C'mon, who doesn't love these songs? So very pretty...

  • [SC - 2005.09.18] KAT-TUN - Medley.mpg: video on MU | [mp3] - I love this one because there are so many cute moments! Koki, in particular, stands out as being a complete goof, but Kame starts out with the goofy while Koki begins his part of the song in the middle duet of the medley. I love Kame in the hat with the jacket hanging off one arm, and I love how Koki and Kame sing to each other. Adorable! It's rivaled by Ueda and Jin in the third duet - I love them dancing together in the beginning, and Jin forgetting his steps. That moment when they begin to sing and stretch out their arms to each other is lovely. :) BUT THEN WHAT HAPPENS TO JIN?? As their duet ends, he and Ueda have to touch the ground, and Jin doesn't come up. For a while. He just STAYS there, and it looks so weird. Anyway the camera finally catches him as he's coming up way, way too late, and he looks so startled! And then just a minute later he goes and stares into the central camera for some inexplicable reason. Yeah, Jin just cracks me up.

  • SC 2005.10.09 KAT-TUN - Seiten_no_Hekireki.mpg: video on MU | [mp3 on MU] - This is one of my newer favorites, as I've only recently been listening to it, and I like it so much! Only...I don't like Jin with blonde hair. It always freaks me out to see him with blonde hair in that particular style. Kame's hair, on the other hand, looks great! There are backflips! And a lot of aimless walking around in circles...seriously, it's a solid, enthusiastic performance.

  • KAT-TUN - FREEZE.wmv: video on MU | [mp3] - I've always liked this song! Can't explain why exactly. It's fun, and sexy, and I love to see them doing a different kind of style.

  • Freeze & Seiten no Hekireki [Music Station 2005.08.19] - video on MU - This is a new addition to the original post, and it has quickly become a beloved favorite. The performance is sexy, no doubt, but wait until the end. KAT-TUN GETS ALL WET and fangirls everywhere implode. It's so brief, but I'm in love with that smile that Kame flashes in the very last seconds.

  • SHE SAID...and Kizuna Music Station Super Live 2005.12.23 - video on MU - This is just an all-around fun (and provocative) performance. Hard not to love.

  • UTAWARA 2006.06.11 KAT-TUN special live perf - six senses (Ike).avi: video on MU | [Six Senses.mp3] - I LOVE this performance! I love the acoustic guitars, I love the roughness of it, and the fabulous return of "normal" clothes. Seriously, this perf just makes me happy in many different ways.

  • Rhodesia - Ueda & Koki, SC 2006.07.09 - video on MU | [Rhodesia.mp3] - Rhodesia is one of my favorite tracks off of Best of..., so I was THRILLED when it was finally performed. I'm just so sad that this is only a truncated version, and even though Koki and Ueda are awesome, I really want to see this performed by the entire group.

    And then we have the Jin solo collection...

  • SC 2003.11.02-16 Akanishi Jin - Hesitate (Eng-Sub).avi: video on MU | [mp3] - How can you not love this song? Tender, beautiful.

  • Special_Medley - Utawara 2006.02.19 - video on MU. Jin's "Ha ha" is the second part of the medley, and the performance is one of my favorites. It's also probably the most popular and most requested Jin TV performance out there. Here is the [ha-ha.mp3].

  • And then there are the other versions:
    -Ha Ha Fancam #1 | Ha ha Fancam #2 (I like this one better) | [Concert long version Ha ha.mp3]
    -Dream Boys 2006 Ha Ha (DVD rip) | Dream Boys 2006 Ha Ha (Fancam) and [Dream Boys Ha Ha.mp3]

  • And we can't forget Jin's other sexy perf: Pinky.wmv | [Pinky.mp3]

  • and...Sore Zore wo Omoi DBs 2006.01.03 Jin.avi (fancam) | [mp3 #1] & [mp3#2] - Very, very nice.

    A few odds and ends...

  • K-T_Hanasanai_de_ai_Oky2002.wmv: video on MU | Hanasanai de ai - Okyakusama 2002 mp3 on MU - I LOVE this song. Kame dances so hard, and I still can't believe that he's that poised at only sixteen! What's up with the giant paper lanterns that AT-TUN emerges from? I love Kame's backflips and gesture at the very end - he looks so cute!

  • Dream Boys 2006/Akanishi Jin Care (fancam): video on MU | [Dreamboys 2006/Akanishi Jin/Care.MP3] - This is an incredibly moving and poignant version of the song.

  • Butterfly - SC 2006.04.16 - video on MU - I LOVE this song, although I'm a bit skeptical of Jin's guitar playing, which is actually fairly minimal. Sorry, but to me, it almost looks like it's just for show. HOWEVER, both Jin and Ueda look SO GOOD - I love the shades, they sound great, and I love this perf.

  • SC 2006.04.16_One_on_One.avi: video on MU - This is another song that I inexplicably love, and consequently, I love this perf as well.

  • Battle Medley - Minna no Terebi 2005.04.13 - video on MU - a new addition that I love: Kame and Jin sword fight beautifully while T-TUN perform a L'arc-en-ciel (I think?) song very badly accompanied by JE acrobatics. The fighting is awesome and totally worth the download.

  • Kame- Sword Fight Seishun Amigo.avi: video on MU; Kamenashi Kazuya - Seishun Amigo Dream Boys 2006.mp3 - This slower solo version has quickly become one of my favorite performances of "Seishun Amigo."

  • Special Medley - SC 2003.06.15 - video on MU - Kame solo medley performance consisting of "Dekiai Logic" (Domoto Tsuyoshi), Egao no Genki (SMAP), Lion Heart (SMAP) and Hanasanaide Ai (one of my favorite songs that Kame EVER performs). I love the choreography throughout, but especially for "Hanasanaide Ai." (46.76MB)

Promotional Videos:
  • Real Face PV: video on MU - This is the very first thing I ever saw of KAT-TUN and I fell in love with the song. The video is a strange combo of ridiculous and sexy and through it I discovered that boyband pop could sometimes sound astonishingly like rock music. While it wasn't exactly love at first sight, it was an intriguing taste that opened me up to a whole new media experience.

  • YOU PV (mpeg): video on MU - This, along with "Real Face," is one of my two favorite PVs so far. This one is just exquisitely gorgeous, shot sometime in June of 2006 but never released until April 2007. The boys appear all in white in a white subway station. The old man and the little blonde girl are surreal touches, but who cares when KAT-TUN looks that good singing such a nice song? Yes, I've always loved the Sapuri drama opener, from the first time I heard it.

  • Seishun Amigo PV.avi: video on MU - ok, I know this doesn't really belong here, as it's not KAT-TUN (and it's not live), but I have to include it because again, this was one of the earliest clips I saw and I was entranced. I love their costumes, and the dancing and song are catchy and sparkly.

  • Bokura no Machi de PV: video on MU - Beautiful, with beautiful shots of Yokohama. Everyone looks good.

  • Signal PV video on MU. Not because it's my favorite, but just because I don't want the link to go to waste.

  • Yorokobi no Uta PV video on MU Also, not because it's a favorite (although it is very pretty), but so as not to waste the link.

ETA - What are some of your KAT-TUN favorites, whether they are on my list, but especially if they aren't. I would really love to know! Performance dates would be awesome if you know them. Ups are welcome (of course) but not necessary - I just want to share the love, so don't be shy. :)

je, media, j-boys, music, akanishi jin, nakamaru yuuichi, kat-tun, taguchi junnosuke, ueda tatsuya, kamenashi kazuya, tanaka koki

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