A few very short items

Jul 14, 2006 12:40

1. Note to self: DO NOT become distracted while cooking gyoza. I burned my shrimp gyoza last night. I've NEVER done that before! I rarely burn anything, ever. *cries*

2. The new Muse album, Black Holes & Revelations is very, very good. My favorite tracks are "Map of the Problematique" and "Supermassive Black Hole," after 2 and a half listens. Lots of other good tracks, too! Musically, it is very rich and textured. Yes, I know that is a lame review, but currently there is *headache* to interfere with brain processes.

3. In an effort to wean myself off the steady diet of JE music I've been addicted to lately, I listened to L'Arc-en-Ciel's Clicked Singles Best 13 (which I bought in May) last night, and I have to say, it has really grown on me! The singer's voice takes some getting used to, but I like. A lot. My favorite track is still "Lies and Truth."

4. I can't believe it's finally Friday! This week seemed so long to me, and my weekend looks like it will be extremely busy (as per usual). I really, really want to just go away somewhere and do absolutely nothing but walk endlessly with a good friend or more and talk about wonderful interesting things, and just not feel so BUSY all the time.

5. I don't know how/why I got so excited, but I am anxiously awaiting Monday for the next episode of Sapuri. It has been a couple months since I actually anticipated a currently running program. I guess I got distracted from Doctor Who, and now I have to catch up on the last three episodes, and instead I find myself turning to Supernatural - but even that hasn't tugged at me in that 'I must see the rest immediately!' way that always excites me. But now, I really want to know what happens next with Yuya and Minami!

dorama, muse, music, l'arc-en-ciel, jdorama: sapuri, tv

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